Why you should not buy a paid VPN?

11:05:00 AM
Why you should not buy a paid VPN? -

Why you should not buy a paid VPN?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network words. It is a private network that is run on top of a public medium, eg Internet. This advanced technology allows a person or a business entity to encrypt their data in transit and protect their online identity. In addition, a VPN service is useful to unlock geo-blocked sites. In addition to this service is used to mask the IP addresses and surf the Web anonymously.

Cost of VPN and other aspects

VPN is not a cheap service. Many expenses are involved in the creation, maintenance and gradation of a VPN service. Also today, product owners spend a lot of online marketing too. So, considering all these facts, it seems like a VPN service will cost you much. But the reality is different.

VPN services are quite affordable for all. This is because the VPN market continues to grow. Thus, there is a volume game for VPN manufacturers and marketing. Above that some people offer free VPN services also. How is this possible? In fact, the free VPN vendors combine various different product ads with their free service. So even if they are free from outside but their ads earn income for the owner. In addition, sometimes the free VPN is used as a bait to promote other products to high-end price back to the client.

One of the highest paid VPN services market is charging customers $ 11 per month. If you do not want to invest money in a VPN product and a free VPN is best for you. But while doing this, you must understand that you will not be good and constant speed from a free VPN service. They could keep logs of your use that are not recommended and they might not have enough servers and IP addresses to help you surf the web anonymously for long periods. So if you are willing to compromise on these aspects; if you are short of money and if you are a dedicated Internet user then a paid VPN is certainly not for you. Instead, you can go for a free VPN.

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