How to find your algorithmic citizenship - Citizen Ex

11:30:00 AM
How to find your algorithmic citizenship - Citizen Ex -

How to find your algorithmic citizenship - Citizen Ex! Do you know what algorithmic citizenship is and what it can reveal about you? A new project of James Bridle, Citizen Ex shows our algorithmic citizenship based on the sites we visit.

Going through the different and many different sites available to us on the world wide web, we leave behind our digital footprint, a trace of our activities line offers companies online all kinds of information on us, as our tastes, our relationship status and so on. This is why you see those ads targeted marketing really helpful * sigh *. We are also, of course, followed and monitored by the NSA, GCHQ and other security agencies that collect and store our metadata. All this information tells a story about us, our algorithmic citizenship -. How we appear on the net

"Algorithmic Citizenship is a new form of citizenship, one where your citizenship, and therefore both your loyalties and your rights are constantly challenged, calculated and rewritten. "- Citizen Ex

Visit a website that you think is in the United States may actually be located in another country, which is what the new project of James Bridle Citizen Ex explores algorithmic your citizenship. Many servers sites are located in a country different from what you may think. You may visit the websites hosted in China, Russia or the United States without even knowing it.

I downloaded Citizen Ex and continued to explore different sites as part of my daily routine. In fact, I totally forgot that behind the scenes, algorithmic my citizenship was calculated. Here are my results:

There are not a huge surprise that my algorithmic citizenship is mostly in the United States as I use Google as the default home page, so I guess it saves each new browser session such as a visit to a US website. I'm not entirely sure why China has emerged well, or Vietnam!

Thanks to Edward Snowden, NSA intrusive spying capabilities have been proven and used your NSA algorithmic citizenship to decide snoop on you.

The Department of American Culture reports that "The NSA's response was to create a citizenship algorithm, using several different variables (or" selectors ") to determine whether a target was" a citizen "or a" stranger ". A target with a 51% value of foreignness would have a 49% value of citizenship, which allows the state of its surveil communications. If, a week later, the same target was a 51% level of citizenship and an extraneous value of 49%, it would be granted the right to privacy. "

As you look at your stats algorithmic citizenship displayed by the flags of the sites of the country you visit, you get a much clearer idea of ​​your browsing behavior, the sites you visit most, and countries whose Web sites you visit most often.

Algorithmic citizenship - Citizen Ex

"Every time you connect to the Internet, you move through time, space and the law" - Citizen Ex

course all this is a fun exercise to test where you LeapFrog about the world wide web, there is a serious element to this project, James Bridle wants to "understand the Internet as an infrastructure that exists in the real world and has significance in different jurisdictions. you can change your algorithmic identity over time you can see where you are visiting and make decisions based on what you learn about the physical structure of the web. "

A tool you can use to hide your identity YOUR online and the online activities of businesses and intelligence agencies is to use a VPN. When you connect to VPN you no longer use the IP address given to you by your ISP, you use an IP VPN, therefore, you change your citizenship algorithms, providing you false information of your actual physical location to all the sites you visit and of course you falsifying their statistical data that can not be bad

Wondering what your algorithmic citizenship looks. - download Citizen Ex free on Chrome, Safari and Firefox

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