jeep monitoring: You can be too Big Brother

7:26:00 PM
jeep monitoring: You can be too Big Brother -

From hunting to hunters - how one man turned his car into a jeep monitoring to prove how easy it is for anyone! conduct surveillance operations.

We know how easy it is for governments to spy on their citizens, largely thanks to the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Because snooping NSA's activities were disclosed, the governments monitoring capabilities, social media sites such as Google and Facebook (which strangely we seem to be OK with), and online advertising companies poking around our everyday lives has unfortunately desensitized the question for many of us. Everything we do, whether we are in line, walking around the city or even in our own homes, we are tracked, monitored and listened to by almost all the electronic gadgets that we - including our TV

Perhaps, as the first generation to experience this surge of surveillance, and the loss of our privacy, we are overreacting, and a march toward a totalitarian state is simply the fantasy of paranoid conspiracy theorists. After all, even if we have been, there is not much of a private person can turn the tables. I mean, it's not as if we could all move in our own supercar James Bond, full of all the latest software magic and communication.

Or is it ...?

we can assume that it would be mission impossible for a civilian everyday to build a jeep monitoring, let alone afford the high-tech gadgets involved. However, a security consultant, Drew Porter, recently proved that it is not only possible, it is actually a party and built! In an interview with Forbes Thomas Fox-Brewster , Porter explained that everyone can build a jeep surveillance or vehicle matching technology used by the military and the police - as you have a spare $ 5,000 floating around

with some relatively cheap kit Porter was able to build a decked-out monitoring jeep with the latest spyware and gadgets, able to block communications and listening to the phone calls.

wear a very good reason for building a monitoring jeep Forbes wrote "to prove a point: as legal battles over NSA spying and the use of police sting telephone monitoring is conducted, everyone can achieve similar monitoring with minimal effort and funding "

one of the most" intrusive "and controversia t pieces of software integrated into the jeep monitoring is the IMSI catcher. - More commonly known as tracker phone stingray, manufactured by Harris Corp. You've probably heard of a phone tracker stingray before - it is used by the intelligence services and the police to "listen" on the mobile traffic and track movements of mobile phone users, and the famous FBI used the warrantless

While the costs of phone tracker stingray tens of thousands of pounds -. Porter made his own cheap version of - which does the same job. Porter explained to Forbes, he "only used his personal stingray, jammers and other information collection tools" active "in controlled environments with volunteer participants than passive monitoring of open information was collected in public environments "

Now you may have heard of the term" warbiking . "- ​​an activity where people travel around cities in search of open Wi-Fi connections and map their locations. It is a similar hobby as trainspotter - harmless fun. However, this activity is not popular as it used to be -. Due to the large number of hot spots arise in cities

And then there is the art of " wardriving " that comes from the movie "Wargames" with Matthew Broderick, who was a victim of " wardialing ." as warbiking, wardriving involves people searching for Wi-Fi wireless networks, by car.

Although most warbikers or war drivers are, shall we say geeks, without malice - they were not insecure Wi-Fi networks, they are simply -. guaranteed or not

The motivation behind this exercise is that bear wanted to prove a point - that any person may exercise a similar monitoring with minimal effort and funding. Which is why we should do everything we can to strengthen security on all our Internet capable devices. You never know who walk, bike or car look open connections!

Of course, there are those who actively seek open networks to carry out malicious attacks and cyber criminals who set up fake Wi-Fi access points - so any wardriver with only good intentions might have their personal information stolen. That is why it is so important to use VPN which encrypt your data so any warbiker wardriver or trying to access your Wi-Fi router or the connection will not see or access your personal information.

I would like to emphasize that we hide in my ass! do not condone or encourage anyone to build such a jeep monitoring or any other type of vehicle to perform surveillance operations.

But if you want to have a look behind the scenes, Porter said it will publish the software - Redz SIGINT -. to DerbyCon in Louisville, Kentucky this year

For more technical details jeep monitoring of Porter check article writing Thomas Fox-Brewster "Build your own Jeep Scary supervision for less than $ 5000 with the Guide of the Hacker."

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