Google finds vulnerability that could affect your data

9:28:00 PM
Google finds vulnerability that could affect your data -

in an announcement on its security blog, Google finds vulnerability that could affect your data. The problem can be found in SSL 3.0, mainly used for encryption and online data security. But before the mass panic breaks out, it must be mentioned that the vulnerability is in the code that is 15 years old, so that the probability of a site that still uses it is quite remote. But still, the problem could be that some websites use older versions as a backup, if the current system fails, do they fall on. If that were the case, hackers or those who try to access the personal data of people, could fool the site into falling back on that old code and use this vulnerability.

Google have included measures on their blog to be taken to keep this vulnerability become a serious problem, stopping the systems falling back to the previous version. But the real problem is that it can potentially affect countless websites, application of this fix for the world may be a little difficult. Google Poodle named this vulnerability, and we hope that the operation will not pose a serious problem.

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