Goodbye Facebook and Twitter, 'Ello Ello?

2:57:00 PM
Goodbye Facebook and Twitter, 'Ello Ello? -

Tired of reading through your Facebook, Google+, Tumblr and Twitter and see ads related to what you and your friends messages? Well, it may be time to say 'ello to Ello. The new social media network is making waves for its position on privacy issues, avoiding advertising in an effort to maintain its users' privacy. Ello, a website created by the artist based in California, Paul Budnitz, bases its service strictly on the idea that there are no advertisers will be allowed on the site. Budnitz believes that the security of the social media site the number one priority will be to make the site a success among its users. The site's home page reads:

"Your social network is owned by advertisers Every post you share, every friend you make and every link you follow is followed, recorded. and converted into data. advertisers buy your data so they can show you more ads. you are the product that is bought and sold.

We believe there a better way. We believe in boldness. We believe in beauty, simplicity and transparency. We believe that people who do things and the people that use to be in partnership.

We believe that a social network can be a tool for empowerment Not a tool to deceive, coerce and manipulate -. .. But a place to connect, create and celebrate life

You are not a product
Perhaps the most popular social networking site to take such a stance against advertising, WhatsApp, has recently bought by Facebook for a reported $ 19 billion. Since the purchase, many complained that WhatsApp was flooded with advertising, diverting users who had sworn by experience without advertising the application. Budnitz Betabeat recently said, "My partners and I had lost interest and were fed other social networks - exhausted by the ads, clutter, and the feeling manipulated and deceived by companies that do not clearly state our interests at heart. We used private Ello for about a year and invited about 100 of our artists and designers friends to join. "

This reliance on advertising has led to a frustrated Budnitz proclaim, "Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, etc. aren 't really social networks -.. they're advertising platforms exist to sell ads Here."

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