Pullin 'a rabbit out of a black hat

9:40:00 PM
Pullin 'a rabbit out of a black hat -

Smoking Puppet Step 1 - Hack a computer
Step 2 -.?
Step 3 -. Profit

In the past, step 2 usually involved several complex steps that require a significant amount of effort and skill. Even if a system is filled with valuable data, it is highly unlikely that such data was actually useful for the hacker

Therefore, at this stage, it was generally undergo several steps to transform a profit .:

1. Find a buyer who was interested in the data.
2. Sell the data.
3. The seller had to make sure the buyer has sent funds.
4. The buyer had to ensure seller sent the data.
5. All measurements must be made anonymously.

This means that hackers had to create false bank accounts, which meant they had to create false identities, which meant they had to buy these from yet another unreliable source for conduct anonymous transaction. As we can see, these tasks were quite formidable. Of course, there were (and still are) the major criminal organizations, as well as highly entrepreneurial pirates, who have solved these problems. But, overall, these individuals and organizations represented a minority percentage of people who wanted to hack for profit. For all others, the difficulties and risks associated with obtaining bank accounts with false identities or to receive payments from another anonymous everything was not worth it.

For most hackers, there was unlikely to take advantage of hacking, and therefore, most hacking was done for purely financial reasons not. Most of the most talented hackers were not criminal in nature, and as such, would not take dangerous risks necessary to financially gain from a hack. As such, many hacking was carried out for seemingly altruistic reasons (for example, showing the site, they have infiltrated, how they did it, and how to correct). Many hackers did this to get a job, or simply to feel good after helping someone (as well as internet fame).

However, everything changed when a new money was created out of thin air. Bitcoin solves all the above problems for hackers completely and, in addition, quite elegant. Suddenly, hackers are able to profit with minimal effort:

1. Hack.
2. Grab Bitcoin private keys.
3. transfer Bitcoins to oneself.

At this point, the hacker has already benefited. They can go further and to Bitcoins with a blend of service to anonymize then cash out an exchange of USD. In addition, it can be done on Tor to stay fully found.

Compared to previous monetization systems associated with piracy, it is orders of magnitude easier. All one needs to do is just find a system with Bitcoins on them. Although this is rare today, it is very likely that Bitcoins become much more prevalent over time. In addition, it is quite simple to find servers that hold Bitcoins (see Linode), as well as monitor the Bitcoin P2P network for IP associated with Bitcoin transactions.

script kiddies-Even that distribute applications to create botnets that can be used for mining or DDoS attacks does not need DDoS sites and keep them ransom. Instead, they can simply steal Bitcoins beyond a computer they control.

Hacking has changed. And while money can be generated with a computer, it can now be stolen by a black hat hacking even faster. It is not Houdini rather, Who dun it ? And now it looks like we will never know

Some tips on staying safe :.

1. Use a VPN or Tor to hide your IP address on the network Bitcoin P2P.
2. Keep all your Bitcoins in an offline wallet.
3. Use a BrainWallet.

If you have other suggestions, feel free please leave them in the comments!

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