According to the UN, "cyber-war is declared"

12:44:00 PM
According to the UN, "cyber-war is declared" -

According to the United Nations (UN) war Internet has now become a reality. The UN has urged the international community to cooperate more to better track down cybercriminals.

The cyber war actually started, as mentioned by members of the UN, at an international conference that brought together technology experts, diplomats and. Journalists

Hamadoun Touré, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) said in his speech that the cyber-war - that is to use the Internet to carry out attacks in cyberspace - has become a reality and that the world must prepare. According to him, "cyber-war is declared." Comparing cybernetics in a conventional war, the general secretary added: "As in a conventional war, there are no winners, only destruction"

The head of the UN specialized. body did not point the finger a particular country, but he urged the international community over cooperation, especially to better identify traces of criminals who know no borders.

If attention the public and the media often focuses on piracy of pages of the official authorities, cyber warfare can be much worse and wreak havoc on the financial sector or in public service.

for the first time in June this year, cyber defense was among the topics discussed during a meeting between the defense ministers of 28 NATO countries in Brussels. This has become a key head with various recent cyber attacks against Western armies . According to the Washington Post in May, the Chinese hackers used cybernetics to steal data on US military systems. Also recently, the "Syrian Electronic Army" hacked traditional Western social networking media to disseminate worldwide the word of the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

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