Apple Reveal Over 1000 user requests From US Government

6:01:00 PM
Apple Reveal Over 1000 user requests From US Government -

according to figures released by Apple, the government has asked for more information in the second half of 2015 than the first. As Apple revealed more than 1,000 requests for US government users, the numbers have climbed over previous years. Requests contained iMessages information, emails, photos, backup devices and other forms of information. This type of transparency is commonplace in post-Snowden era, where information is shared much more frequently with total transparency on why they are conducted.

Most companies today, particularly as large as Apple, release these types of reports every six months, including the likes of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo and many others. With the recent battle between privacy and security involving the FBI and Apple, such statistics are interesting to examine. With the shooter to access San Bernardino iPhone application Syed Farook make headlines around the world, attempts at applying the laws agencies access to Apple records include much more information beyond standard records telecom companies can recover.

Information on an iPhone or similar mobile device, is much more useful to law enforcement agencies, because it contains information emails, iMessages and all other data stored using the iCloud service. Apple announced that they have received far more applications than ever before on the user's data, with a large number of requests from secret national security agencies that come with gags or are classified to Apple more can confirm.

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