Cyber ​​threat trends in 2013

7:50:00 PM
Cyber ​​threat trends in 2013 -

According to McAfee Enterprise recent forecast report threats, cybercrime continue to grow in 2013. "Cybercriminals and hacktivists strengthen and develop techniques and tools they use to attack our personal information, bank accounts, mobile devices, companies, organizations and homes, "said Vincent Weafer, senior vice president of McAfee Labs. in fact, the report commented some trends for 2013:

the number of mobile threats will increase dramatically, as ransomware expanded in mobile devices attackers target to divert the ability of users to access. data, which makes the victims to be linked to either the loss of data or pay a ransom hoping to regain access to them. the attackers are also going to create mobile with extreme capabilities to steal money via the method "bump and infect" the most commonly used in areas with high population density such as airports and shopping malls.

Cybercriminals are known for the selection of public forums to do business deals with other criminals on software and services. The number of criminals invitation only requiring registration fee increases forums to make secure and anonymous forums. This offer will be even easier to find on the Internet in 2013.

Many Web sites, even those established and guaranteed, received strong and repeated attacks, showing that cybercriminals want to create as damage as possible. Such behavior is expected to grow in 2013. If cyber criminals manage to launch destructive malware on a greater number of computers or mobile phones, the result can be devastating.

To avoid being the next victim of these cyber threats lifting, start investigating about a VPN. When you use a VPN service, your IP address is hidden and can not be identified. When accessing the Internet and surf sites that are not secure, through the VPN, you will get a strong encryption that will not even allow your ISP to see what sites you visited.

Thus, access to your banking online, your transactions and easy online purchases are secure as online hackers can not access your IP address. They will not be able to trace anything and you can just surf via a virtual IP address with the location you want among the 12 countries offered by VPN. Your Internet connection is secure, no matter if you connect from a café or traveling. A special VPN service also allows you to protect your connections from your smartphone.

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