How NSA ignored the laws relating to privacy

10:41:00 PM
How NSA ignored the laws relating to privacy -

The Washington Post revealed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) has made "thousands" of violations of laws designed to protect the privacy, because it was given additional powers in 08. This information is based on the analysis of an internal audit and secret documents provided by Edward Snowden daily.

The audit of the NSA, as of May 2012 identified 2776 incidents "the collection, storage, access and disclosure of data protected by law without authorization" during the twelve months previous, only in the Fort Meade and Washington. Many of them were not even supposed to happen, but are the result of the failure or violation of normal procedures.

Another report published by the Washington Post revealed that the NSA has ordered his staff to falsify targeted reports to be submitted to the Ministry of Justice and the Director of National Intelligence, who were supposed to supervise their work - but many details have been omitted from these reports. Although the NSA denied, it would hide the existence of a case of unintended omission of several Americans.

Indeed, in 08, many phone calls to Washington were followed after a programming error that reverse area code phone in the US capital (202) with Egypt (20). But this false manipulation was not known by those who are supposed to monitor the NSA.

Large volumes of data through international fiber optic cables in the United States were also intercepted. This process, however, was ruled unconstitutional in 2011 by the Court of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (IFCS), which is the court to issue orders and to monitor US intelligence activities. But at the time of the judgment, the NSA used this method for several months without informing the IFCS

A senior official of the NSA said :. "We are an organization run by human beings operating in a complex environment with many different control methods. This is why we sometimes find ourselves on the wrong side of the fence."

After the sharp controversy over the distribution of thousands of documents for methods of intelligence of the United States, President Obama has promised measures for "greater transparency", but has always denied any abuse of the NSA surveillance program.

However, this approach is complicated by the supposedly transparent control was entrusted to James Clapper, who is the director of national intelligence, and was responsible for coordinating the various US intelligence agencies.

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