1:20:00 PM
We understand that there were a number of issues discussed on recent disclosure PRISM NSA. A number of our customers have expressed concern about whether the private Internet access is or has participated in the program.

First, let us clearly that our company, or person in our society has never worked with the NSA, CIA, FBI or any other intelligence agency on a project to collect monitoring or government information. In fact, members of our company are highly passionate about protecting the civil liberties of individuals. It is argued that if our company has never received an invitation or request to participate in PRISM or other government monitoring program, we immediately contest the claim. Our company strongly supports and gives legal organizations who value Internet freedom and privacy, as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF), and fight for the future (FFTF). We would certainly use the resources of the legal defense organizations were we asked to participate in one or more of the above mentioned programs. We understand that the intelligence agencies have declined if challenged in federal court about these types of issues. Finally, we have already concluded that if we have to participate in a monitoring program of gathering and / or intelligence state-sponsored us ideologically and philosophically opposed, we prefer to close than betray privacy of our customers.

with all that said, it is also our understanding that the NSA has more important issues to be concerned by a partnership VPN. First, our company is unlikely to be targeted because of its size relative to organizations that are known to participate. We have only a fraction of the subscriber base of some of the major Internet service providers were involved in the PRISM program. We believe that the NSA would seek participation of additional ISP before moving on to other targets such as smaller Internet companies. Second, trying to recruit a privacy company based renounce its fundamental values ​​and surveil its subscriber base would be so outrageous an act that we believe it would be unrealistic for any significant government to seek this type of relationship . Finally, our organization has a contingency plan in place in case the atmopshere to Internet privacy in the US becomes less hospitable.

philosophy guiding values ​​of our company are the same principles that guided our Founding Fathers when they drafted the Constitution of United States to respect the fundamental right to privacy. Technology is a double-edged sword because while it gives us the freedoms we never had access, it can also be used as an information gathering tool that would make even the East German Stasi envious. The assault in progress on civil liberties has resulted in a demand for services protecting privacy on the Internet, such as ours. We firmly believe that the right to privacy guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment (and others) of the United States Constitution is clear when it states that "The right of citizens to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects , against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. "It is our opinion that privacy will always be a fundamental human right and that the timeless words of Benjamin Franklin still hold true today." Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither. "Thus, we will always be protect individuals against the tyrannical forces trying to undermine our right to privacy, and we will always be on the side of respect privacy.

We hope this helps you understand where private Internet access means when it comes to such issues.
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