For logic BRICS countries to build their own Internet infrastructure monitoring Bypass US

7:38:00 PM
For logic BRICS countries to build their own Internet infrastructure monitoring Bypass US -

the so-called emerging economies - BRICS countries - decided to build their own Internet infrastructure, bypassing the US and European wiretap points. Although this is the especially clever geopolitical game, it sets the possibility for civil liberties online that should be exploited.

Many were furious at the arrogance of the United States in violation of the privacy of people with the increasing number of NSA revelations - people all over the world are affected and angry. Political leaders of Europe was surprisingly quiet - until you realize that they can not talk about it without getting media questions about their own involvement and hence, they prefer to talk about the weather.

Not with the so-called developing countries political leaders, the so-called emerging economies. portrayed more accurately as "effectively prevented the country to stand up," it is a group of countries that the West - read the United States, assisted by Europe - was seeking to avoid moving as as king of the hill by their own power.

the President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, is furious. she not only canceled a state visit to the United States and Barack Obama, which is very remarkable in herself, but she also realized that the United States 'ability to wiretap the world depends largely on the United States' position as the standard of the Internet world. Virtually all intercontinental Internet traffic passes through the United States, which makes it almost trivial wiretapping along the way.

It was also discovered that the NSA was tapping the phone calls of the Brazilian president, who did not help politically. But this is where things get interesting. Although it may seem disrespectful in the extreme, this is the kind of things that spy agencies should do. Governments should be spy governments, and a president is probably part of a foreign government. They are simply not supposed to get caught do

However, spying on literally all over the world -. All civilians who use digital technology - is the real transgression here, but the Brazilian president is cleverly using anger political means to give rights to privacy for his government and his people a luck.

Yesterday, the BRICS Cable has been announced.

There is a new high-capacity submarine Internet connection that - contrary to all other submarine cables - do not come ashore in New York. Instead, it connects directly to BRICS countries, ranging from Brazil, around the Cape of Good Hope, to northeast India, along the Chinese coast and up east of Russia

the BRICS countries -. Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa and China - are considered so-called "emerging economies"; Are you invest in high-risk, high-yield. They are also prevented from countries climb to the top, replacing the United States and Europe as kings of the hill, more understandable to the annoyance of those countries.

Therefore, the BRICS cable linking those countries and deliberately avoiding the US and Europe, linking the country by the fiber at high capacity. This means that Internet traffic can bypass points wiretapping US NSA, and the heads of state of these countries can facilitate the deployment of counter-measures against US and European intelligence agencies.

However, we should not think this is a humanitarian effort from all involved. This is a geopolitical play. Do you really think Russia would not have its own wiretap points if it could? That China How about with the famous Chinese firewall? This is a geopolitical power play, and President Rousseff has deftly used the outrage over spying NSA to build an alternative infrastructure - but which is also easily tapped, and passes through the country that the have not been late for the wiretapping of game. It is worth remembering that Putin's KGB, for example.

At the end, ordinary Joes like you and I still will not have any idea how our communications shall, if it so happens one or more points on listening, and if it does, whether such wiretaps point flying a Russian flag, a Chinese flag or stars and stripes.

But the righteous indignation of President Rousseff is not only qualified political game; it is also very useful for us who fight for civil liberties online. By offering a huge infrastructure investment under the banner of privacy, it sends a strong signal to the world that the poorest nations are now ready to invest real money in civil liberties.

This sends a message moral high ground that the US and Europe ignore at their peril. They can not afford to lose geopolitically self-image of being more civilized, although the self-image is a complete mirage.

So even if the decision of President Rousseff is based on political self-preservation in the ruthless geopolitical game, the movement is still very good for civil liberties. I would write civil liberties line , but there is really no such thing more - it is not meaningful to separate civil liberties online or offline; there are only civil liberties.

And as usual, until the techno-illiterate political leaders today understand that the rights offline apply online also, life private stays online your own responsibility. A cable through China and Russia no less tapped a through New York.

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