Mac users warned to strengthen their security

9:28:00 PM Add Comment
Mac users warned to strengthen their security -

Mac users tend to believe that their computers are immune against viruses and fraud, especially when compared to PC users. In the past, they would have been right, but Apple is gaining greater market share in the computer industry at home, as well as being the major player in the market for smartphones and tablets, users are increasingly vulnerable to hacker attacks.

Experts have warned Mac users for some time that they should pay more attention to security. In April, a Trojan horse virus infected more than half a million users, mainly in the UK and US. In addition, Google has had trouble to bypass security settings on Apple's Safari browser, to collect data on users. Although the focus of the story was largely on his misdeeds, Apple and its users should be concerned that Google has managed to hack a browser regarded by many as "hack proof" Google.

Because of this misplaced trust, many do not have the anti-virus software. Indeed, a survey released this month showed that only half of the MacBook users, compared to 84% of Windows laptops users.

However, recent events have shown that viruses and hackers can affect anyone, regardless of their choice of machine. Besides a good online security software, using a virtual private network is always a good idea. It has become increasingly clear that the use of Apple products does not keep you safe from the threat of external attacks; a virtual private network, however, provide an additional level of security. Users of iPhones and iPads should also think about using this technology to connect to the Internet, especially when using unsecured public networks.

online security breaches are a real threat if you are sitting at home on your desk, on the train with your Mac or on the go with your mobile. Be sure to take precautions before surfing the web.

The dangers of social media

8:27:00 PM Add Comment
The dangers of social media -

Social media is big news, with a growing number of people regularly use it in one form or another. Facebook now has over 800 million users - almost three times the population of the United States. Recently, growth has been fueled by the increased use of smartphones and tablets, allowing people to stay in contact with friends and followers of the movement. In addition, social sites have increasingly valuable marketing tools.

However, is our online socialization, networking and negotiation safely? Various social sites are suitable for the exchange of information; to cooperate with others - whether close friends, new knowledge or potential business partners - there must be a certain degree of transparency and openness, as in all other areas of life. As such, the vast majority of people willingly share personal information online, most of which would not necessarily welcome to take possession of the people it was not originally intended.

hunting grounds Unfortunately, social media sites have become for hackers and identity thieves, who have realized how easy it can be to locate the personal information of other users. In addition to bypassing the often dull privacy settings, these cyber criminals are able to exploit the basic premises of social media. For example, sharing online links with friends is a common practice for most people. However, there is always a risk that these links are distributed by malicious sources and are actually viruses.

Take measures such as installing the latest antivirus protection and keep your privacy settings as high as possible will go some way to prevent hackers and identity thieves access Your personal information. Using a VPN will give you an extra layer of security. A VPN allows you to surf the web anonymously, making it difficult for hackers to enter your various accounts. This is especially true if you navigate by using wireless networks unsecured public wireless, like many of us, especially on smartphones and tablets.

Internet security is a recurring problem, one in which social media is at the center. While social sites offer greater freedom and connectivity than ever before, they also leave users open to Internet security issues. Employing the use of a VPN is just a way to help combat cyber criminals there.

Android vulnerabilities raise concerns

7:26:00 PM Add Comment
Android vulnerabilities raise concerns -

A new report by online security experts Duo Security revealed that over 50% of all Android powered devices are susceptible to malware, with the default users regularly download the latest security patches. This period of good online safety practice leaves a large proportion of Android users at risk of malware and unscrupulous who has the power to steal data and corrupt the device.

According to the study, the majority of these vulnerabilities give way to so-called "root exploits," which allows a hacker or malicious software producer to support a device with ease, leaving the owner a useless piece of equipment. analysts have discovered a number of viruses that are specifically built for this purpose, including "Rage Against the Cage" notorious exploit used by hackers to tablets and phones completely unusable Android powered.

the problem has been reduced down to the lack of control that Google, the producers of the Android platform, have more to deploy patches for these vulnerabilities. Unlike other producers mobile software like Apple, Google leaves a plethora of manufacturers to decide which version of the software they would like to use, and how often to send updates and security patches. The slow roll of patches has been identified as a concern by the experts of online security with the security analyst BitDefender antivirus makers saying "it is well known in the security community that slow patching vulnerabilities on mobile devices is a serious problem "[

Poor mobile security can be of serious concern to individuals and companies deploying Android devices to their employees, because they may leave valuable data open to hackers or simply witnesses their network grind communication stopped.

While Google Android patch policy should not change in the near future, one of the best ways to improve your security on mobile devices at this time is to use the services of high quality VPN provider, which will ensure that your connection is secure against casual snooping. A VPN provider can give both individuals and professional users peace of mind when using their phones, as it will ensure that hackers can not intercept your Internet traffic, and listen on the data you transmit.

US famous Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month

6:25:00 PM Add Comment
US famous Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month -

October became the "Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month" global and national governments the world would be wise to follow the example of the United States, which spends the whole month trying to raise awareness of the safety net the poor and encourage greater cooperation between national institutions.

officials of US Cyber ​​Command had the opportunity to ask the government departments to come together to produce a coherent strategy against the growing number of online threats. They range from large-scale theft of personal data of citizens, while the full-fledged way of large-scale attacks on infrastructure that could bring the country grinding to a halt. The Stuxnet virus in Iran is an excellent example of high quality threat that the United States seek to avoid

When a cyber security event in the House of the United States Trade Director NSA Keith Alexander stressed that :. "We 're a nation that developed the Internet;. We should be the first to fix the" His comments come after them across the United States to analysts called for a tech savvy workforce more prepared for net security challenges that are set to arrive in the coming years. The Internet is fast replacing the traditional parameters such as the battlefield between States, and a lack of technological know-how may leave both a state and severely vulnerable.

Although there is an attention to national security, Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month is also aimed at raising awareness of safety issues in line with the general public, whose personal data is increasing risk of interception of criminal groups online. Using a VPN service to provide an additional layer of security to your system is one of the most effective ways to help keep your private data safe and out of reach of cyber snoopers would.

A VPN service allows you to help mask your location and encrypt your data, giving you an effective first line of defense for sensitive data. This is ideal for business and personal users who are increasingly using their laptops and mobile phones to store personal information.

Pakistan to implement the electronic surveillance

5:24:00 PM Add Comment
Pakistan to implement the electronic surveillance -

The Government of Pakistan has raised serious privacy concerns this month, after giving telecommunications operators the country 0 days to implement a call and email monitoring program as part of a massive clamp down on freedom of expression, according to Pakistan News .

new legislation to enforce strict anti-blasphemy rules of the country will see any international communication logged and archived, with the authorities having access to the details of those who attempt to share or obscene material access or profane material on the web. Operators will install surveillance and recording equipment in their networks in late 2012 at a cost of millions of dollars. It will also threaten the ability of citizens to communicate freely with other nations.

systems designed to filter the international web traffic monitoring and incoming calls in Pakistan have been in place since 08, although the existing measures are not able to 15GB analysis of international incoming data. Current estimates of the amount of regular data flows 275gb, forcing the authorities to use private companies. The Pakistani government has already spent $ 10 million on monitoring equipment at its first series of restrictions.

The move follows the new suspicion attempts by the government to limit the Pakistani freedom of speech with the outside world, after the termination charge for incoming calls from abroad have been raised "levels without previous ", which means overseas calls were made more expensive. These developments in combination paint a disturbing picture of online privacy in Pakistan.

the censorship and surveillance measures such as they raise the important issue of privacy on the Internet, with several Eastern European countries attempt to crackdown on online free communication. for those looking to protect their freedom, a VPN provider may be an option ideal. using a VPN provider gives you a first line of defense against the snooping States and hackers, with all encrypted web traffic to ensure a better level of security. Your true identity and location will be hidden , making it more difficult for national authorities to guess what the content you access.

Users might flawed obsolete browsers

4:23:00 PM Add Comment
Users might flawed obsolete browsers -

Regarding new research has brought to light this week, revealing that just over 50% Internet users still use web browser one day, leaving himself open to hundreds of critical security flaws.

The research was conducted by compliance firm Qualys security, and showed that the majority of users are still vulnerable to attacks, updated browsers have produced patches for. Some attacks might see their machines taken over by remote cyber criminals, and potentially harvest personal data.

browser updates are often issued to resolve issues with external plug-ins, with popular plug-ins Java and Adobe Flash proving more vulnerable to attacks. By not updating to the latest version, the user enables the security breach online to continue, leaving personal data at risk for longer periods than required. To update failure is not exclusive to a particular browser, the report highlights that 35% of Apple's Safari users, widely recognized as the most secure browser around, are always up to date and unnecessary risk of attacks.

According to Qualys CTO Wolfgang Kandek, the problem can be solved in minutes by "updating to the latest versions of the software installed for both browsers and plug-ins." Some updates can be time consuming, but ultimately worth it, giving greater peace of mind when users browse the Web.

online security has become vital for users Internet, with a high demand on the black market for personal data. in addition to that your browser is fully up to date, you can also consider using a VPN server, to give you an even higher level of protection.

Using a VPN server allows you to mask your location and encrypt your data, making it more difficult for all hackers from accessing your personal information. this is a quick and simple to add an additional layer of security to your Internet experience.

Happy Holidays team HMA

3:22:00 PM Add Comment
Happy Holidays team HMA -

Christmas is one of our favorite times of the year. If you followed our Facebook group, you saw our international offices are in complete party outfit. The donkey father is on our walls offices in London and our Serbian team are still on the hunt for a small HMA mascot place above their Christmas tree.

Here in HideMyAss, we hope you are all enjoying the holidays and we look forward to celebrating this time with your family and friends. It will not be long until his 2013 and we are very happy New Year. Things are evolving at an incredible pace as we roll out new site features and HMA VPN client releases. Our mission but always remain the same; to offer the best online privacy tools for our users.

To continue to move forward, we need to appreciate what we have already accomplished. 2012 was a great year for HideMyAss our free web proxy and our pro VPN service continue to be an essential service to our users and we would not be where we are today without them. As a way of saying thank you to users who have continued to support us, we have extended our Christmas holiday promo running for the whole of December

Holiday Discount 2012 :. Http: //www.hidemyass .com / christmas

Happy Holidays

HideMyAss team

unsecured smartphones increase the risk of data theft

2:21:00 PM Add Comment
unsecured smartphones increase the risk of data theft -

Also powerful technological gadgets are becoming more common in our lives day to day, we face the danger becoming increasingly vulnerable to data-theft and phishing. While many of us are aware of the risks of using unsecured network connections on our desktops at work or at home, fewer people are aware of the threats they may be exposed during use smartphones, tablets and laptops to access public wi-fi networks on the green light. With the risk of attack just as great, if not more, on these devices, which makes the use of a virtual private network is a wise first step towards protecting your sensitive data.

Many owners of smartphone access personal or professional e -mails on their device. By not making the most of available forms of security protection as a VPN service, they increase the chances for hackers to access their handset when connected to public wi-fi, which can take information private without the user to achieve.

technology Richard Grieco blogger recently stated on the site Cellcrypt that hackers can purchase the technology needed to intercept voice calls for as little as $ 1,500. To make matters worse, the victims of these crimes are probably not able to say that their conversations were tapped into, until they discover that their sensitive information has been used by someone else. More and more companies, whose employees have working phones, taking advantage of VPN services to minimize these risks, in a manner similar to what they did for office desktop machines and laptops the company.

In her article, "The significant advantages of using VPN services', Muhammad Azam advises all users of the technology to go through a virtual private network, rather than a proxy network, to help stay safe from cybercrime. The tech blogger says that VPN service providers "use the best security mechanisms", providing good protection for laptops, smartphones and tablets. VPN services are generally affordable for businesses and individuals, at a price that is much cheaper than the potential fallout should a cyber criminal manage to access your private information.

new imminent risk of cyber attack for 50 million UPnP devices

1:20:00 PM Add Comment
new imminent risk of cyber attack for 50 million UPnP devices -

Warning: Your device might be at risk of cyberattack new online security flaws that were exposed to public. A recent article in PC and Internet security company Rapid7 found that nearly 40 to 50 million devices compatible network could be open to hacker attacks, because of a flaw in the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) protocol .

The protocol allows devices such as printers, routers and fancy smart-TVs to be easily identifiable on a network, enabling rapid configuration and share information more quickly. The device is offered in about 7000 different types of gadgets - worrying as 50 million gadgets were sensitive to at least one of the three online security vulnerabilities described in the document of Rapid7. Two of the most commonly used UPnP software libraries were both able to be operated remotely.

The study identified more than 0 merchants that manufacture products with defects, including big hitters such as Belkin, Netgear, Motorola and Fujitsu. These companies have since been contacted about the problem but since most new devices are often shipped with UPnP enabled by default, many people may be unaware that their devices are at risk. Similarly, when updates are released, users may not be aware of the relevance of their security devices and might not apply. (Pro tip: always keep on top of your updates)

The advice for those who are concerned that they may be affected by the security vulnerabilities is to download the free scanning tool Rapid7 which was created to help identify if you are at risk of attack. If the vulnerability analysis highlights in your network, then it is advised to turn off your UPnP and keep an eye out for future updates that may resolve the problem. Older models that are no longer being shipped may not even be updated at all, which effectively means that you must either disable UPnP or simply splash out on a new appliance.

With vulnerabilities now well known, they are likely to be immediately exploited by hackers. While the actions of irresponsible Rapid7 may appear at face value, in the end, they could well be a good thing. Manufacturers and equipment specialists will now be forced to pay more attention to security and Internet security, and faster corrections!

CISPA returns: online privacy of the United States under the threat (new)

12:19:00 PM Add Comment
CISPA returns: online privacy of the United States under the threat (new) -

smug-politician in the chagrin of online privacy advocates everywhere, more fun Intelligence Act Cyber ​​Sharing and protection (CISPA) has made its way back to Congress this month, with US lawmakers to prepare now to vote on the issue - just 12 months after the last attempt was killed by the Senate.

The motivation behind the reintroduction of the law is considered necessary, with US officials increasingly concerned about their ability to repel a sophisticated computer attack, especially when these attacks are intended for their national infrastructure. (Officials were silent as to whether some of that fear is partly self-inflicted, without mention of the unfortunate saga Stuxnet).

If passed, the law would allow the government and private companies to freely start the collection and sharing of personal data, provided that it is classified as "cyber threat information" far undefined. Cue widespread outcry. Not only companies are able to transmit private user information to the government, but they will also be immune to a number of transparency measures to maintain the controls on these powerful companies, namely freedom requests for information. That large machinery companies really need more protection is certainly a relevant question.

In addition to being completely free of control, companies that share information under CISPA will also be exempt from prosecution for a series of violations of privacy, provided that the information is collected and shared in "good faith." This leaves users in the undesirable position of not knowing what private information was shared, no trace of which has been shared with, and no power to do anything about it.

As expected, the proposal was met with outrage among US Internet users, with a sending group already an anti-CISPA petition to Congress containing an impressive number of 300,000 signatures. The voice often ACLU also expressed concern about the new law, choosing instead to save a decree by President Obama, which allows the government to share information with private companies, but not the reverse. The ACLU fears that companies could be encouraged to share information of their customers, as a result of CISPA.

If you want to keep your private information safe pending the outcome of the debate CISPA, try using a VPN service. A VPN service adds an extra layer of security to your data, maintaining the safest self-cyber criminals.

News Roundup: Gangsters are turning to online crime, the BBC hit by hackers Twitter, and Apple is taking action because of the security

10:17:00 PM Add Comment
News Roundup: Gangsters are turning to online crime, the BBC hit by hackers Twitter, and Apple is taking action because of the security -

a new dawn for organized crime

a new report by Europol revealed that Europe's gangsters are increasingly looking to exchange their guns for keyboards with the internet is slowly becoming one of their most fertile hunting grounds.

annual assessment of the agency fight against crime organized crime noted that there were currently about 3,0 criminal groups operating in the EU, with more and more of them attracted by the relative anonymity of the online sphere. A Europol spokesman summed up the appeal of the web gangsters, saying it is "very difficult" to catch and prosecute online criminals. The report also expressed concern about the ability of the Internet to simplify network operations of organized crime, and emphasized worrying that a growing number of criminal organizations begin to work internationally.

BBC last victim of hack

The BBC has become the latest high-hacking victim profile this week, although the source of this seemingly banal now crime might come as a bit of a surprise. The Weather BBC Arabic Radio Ulster and Twitter accounts were briefly hijacked by a pro-Assad Syrian group on Thursday (March 21), who used the platform to verbally attack critics of the Syrian president.

A group known as the "Syrian Electronic Army" claimed responsibility for the hack, after using the accounts to broadcast a number of messages politically loaded more than 60,000 fans of the BBC. Typical tweets aim at a number of former allies of President Assad, although hackers have managed to find time for a spot of humor - a BBC Weather Tweet read: " earthquake warning for Qatar:. Hamad Bin Khalifah about to leave vehicle "

Apple strengthens security accounts

charges its embarrassing security breach last month, the technology giant Apple finally decided to strengthen the security of client accounts by introducing a new process of "two-step verification." - good news given that the company holds the details of the map of over 500 million people

new optional system will allow users to add an extra layer of protection for their Apple ID accounts, forcing them to enter an additional code each time they access their account information page or making a purchase. - The code will be sent to a "trusted device" of the user's choice

News Roundup: US lawmakers propose legislation on privacy, Oracle also publishes the emergency update, and the extent of Chinese censorship revealed

11:18:00 AM Add Comment
News Roundup: US lawmakers propose legislation on privacy, Oracle also publishes the emergency update, and the extent of Chinese censorship revealed -

Privacy is a stateside return

US lawmakers have proposed a bill on privacy surprise this week, in a move that would see the powers of snooping in the current line FBI slowed considerably, to the delight of the defenders of privacy across the country. The "law on online communications and the protection Geolocation" seems to have the support of all parties in the House of Representatives, and would require enforcement officers nosy law to seek a warrant before sift accounts mail or access mobile location data from the American public.

Those behind the bill argue that it would be a logical extension of the fourth amendment, which guarantees freedom of searches. If a greater privacy online is certainly something to celebrate, the bill does not appear to be in contradiction with the CISPA legislation rightly criticized, is still making waves uncomfortable in the United States.

Oracle caught again

Java has unfortunately succeeded in strengthening its reputation as one of the security flaws prone pieces of software on the market, with Oracle still forced to issue another emergency update to consolidate its leaks. The last update was rushed on Oracle HQ earlier this week, following news of new critical vulnerabilities in Java software. Java problems were responsible for a series of high profile hacking recent incidents, with companies including Apple, Facebook and Twitter all fall victim.

The last error concerns a vulnerability that allowed users running Java software in their browser open to attack after visiting a malicious Web page, to confidential information and the integrity of the system at risk - nothing too serious, then!

machine Chinese censorship revealed

A group of US researchers believe they have discovered the full scale and sophistication of online censorship regime in China, after studying the activity of Sina Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter. According to the team, "tweets" controversial and unwanted are usually removed from the site within 30 minutes, with the majority disappearing within 5-10 minutes.

This is a shocking example of the growing trend of private companies to self-censorship in China, evade the state of anger by using huge censorship teams - according to research, Sina Weibo censors would need until 40 to track the number of messages posted on the site that need testing.

WordPress large scale target brute force Hack Attack

9:16:00 PM Add Comment
WordPress large scale target brute force Hack Attack - there

Just a few weeks WordPress introduced Two-factor authentication to increase the security of its log-in system. Unfortunately, if you have not had a chance to even allow this new audit process, it could be too late to stop your account hacked. Last week saw the start of a large scale brute force attack any target WordPress Blogs with the user name 'admin' and did not allow the new security feature. The attack is still ongoing.

At the center of the problem seems to be a large botnet with more than 0,000 servers that attempt to connect to thousands of WordPress accounts by running through a list of user names and common passwords. An update on The Hacker News revealed that in recent months the company had seen about 30,000 to 40,000 attacks per day, but had increased to 77,000 this month, with attacks in recent days highlight more than 100,000 per day. Hostgator also reported that they had questions about several sites, with Spiral Hosting confirming that problems almost every major hosting provider in the world has faced.

CloudFlare CEO Matthew Prince, estimated that the botnet targeting WordPress network was capable of testing up to 2 billion different passwords each time. So if you have problems with your site down erratically, you are unable to connect at all, or there seems to be a slow back end of your site, then chances are that you have been target. If this is the case, the advice is to change your username and password immediately and to enable the new authentication system to two factors.

Nobody knows how long this attack will last, so if you followed the advice given and you are always worried about your safety, then using a VPN service can be an excellent option to help ensure your computer is a bit more secure. A VPN can be used as an additional layer of protection when you surf the Internet, which means that your personal information is as insecure, even if you are the target of a major attack like this.

Researchers hope eye-tracking software will be in supermarkets within five years

8:15:00 PM Add Comment
Researchers hope eye-tracking software will be in supermarkets within five years -

Be careful when your gaze lingers next time you are out shopping; a group of researchers from Lancaster University unveiled the eye-tracking software that takes note of all that you look forward to target with specific advertisements.

The Sideways project recognizes faces and tracking of eye movements that people look at things around with a camera and screen. Researchers believe that this will be in supermarkets over the next five years, and could help target customers with personalized advertisements related to the types of products that usually attract their interest. The system works by finding the corners of the eyes of someone and locate students according to where they sit in relation to the rest of the face. After a short delay, the software kicks in and begins to track the movements of the eyes of the buyer.

Although the eye-tracking software is not a new thing, Sideways is unique in that it is able to follow the gaze of up to fourteen different people of different heights and eye colors without calibration between - something that other tracking software has yet to accomplish. The software made its debut in Paris, France, this week at the Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems.

There are still challenges left for the system to overcome. Shoppers wearing glasses with some frames and lens types can confuse the software, and vertical eye movements also remain elusive because they are much more subtle than horizontal eye movements. The main concern of most people, however, is exactly what the information gathered by the system will be used. Although the researchers plan to use the system to improve the experience of buyers, many people fear that the software will inevitably new challenges for privacy laws.

There can not be much you can do to stop systems like Sideways tracking your every look, but at least the security of personal information about your computer can be a little easier with a VPN service . A VPN provides an additional layer of protection when surfing the web to make it more difficult for someone else to access your personal data.

EE and repel Bloomberg data requests style Big Brother snooping

7:14:00 PM Add Comment
EE and repel Bloomberg data requests style Big Brother snooping -

Place the privacy of customer firmly in the headlines again last mobile phone network EE giant Sunday was struck by accusatory reports that the company is actively selling personal data of their users. This week he is Bloomberg under a spotlight, as financial news agency based in New York rejected the claims of data espionage.

Bloomberg initially came under fire in April, after Goldman Sachs made a complaint about the apparent knowledge of a journalist of the log-in user time. It then emerged that up to that time, Bloomberg journalists have benefited from access to information, including dates and times of log-ins and customers what features they used, although without access to an input content on these sites. Similarly, they could see users contact each other via chat or messaging, but have not been able to view the messages themselves.

The benefits for the company has been considerable, with the conviction piling down the media and even the Bank of England. Upon receipt of the initial complaints Bloomberg instantly revoked access, and has published a blog post of their apologetic editor Matthew Winkler Monday. 'Keeping Ourselves responsible, "the article explains that inadequate access was the result of authorizations in the 190s to familiarize journalists with the systems and gather information to subscribers. Winkler insisted that customer data was never compromised.

EE has even gone on the defensive, minimizing assertions style behavior "Big Brother" and insisting that there is no published data were traced to individuals. However, it is clear that the monitoring of the client's business is a question increasingly controversial, with Instagram companies Google recently causing surveys exactly how they use the data consciously or unconsciously we continuously provide them with. As we continue to document our lives online, using the Internet for everything from banking to shopping and socializing, corporate risk taking can trust the personal information we freely forgive will inevitably continue to rise.

If you are concerned about the security of data on your personal computer, a way of your defenses is to invest in a VPN service. A VPN makes it more difficult for outside users to access your information, giving you an extra layer of protection when using the Internet.

Are Motorola a bit more to transform our bodies in authentication for our favorite sites?

6:12:00 PM Add Comment
Are Motorola a bit more to transform our bodies in authentication for our favorite sites? -

countless websites have been hacked in recent months with hundreds of thousands, if not millions of stolen passwords. It is in the interest of all the companies out there to work on improving Internet security, and the D11 conference last week, it seems that Motorola is leading the pack. Their idea sounds like pure science fiction, but intends to make large-scale hacking attacks a thing of the past by turning the whole body of a person by a unique identifier, with a tattoo or even one pill a day.

get rid of passwords is something that many people have speculated for years, through the digitization of fingerprints and eyeball or facial recognition already used instead of codes password in some areas. Now, with the former head DARPA Regina Dugan in charge of Motorola's advanced research program, it seems we are a bit more to connect to our favorite websites with just our bodies.

The authentication of electronic temporary tattoo contains an antenna and sensors built in, which makes it similar to keyfobs used to slip into the workplace or the payment of credit cards without contact, but with much less chance of losing them or leave them in the office.

pill once a day is described as an "internal battery apple" that would be activated by your stomach acid. Once powered on, a switch inside the pill itself turns on and off again to create a signal that is similar to an ECG, turning your whole body into an authentication device. The pill also work as regards the authentication of mobile phones.

There is no time to rip all your passwords even if, as it seems unlikely that these will be available to the public any time soon. Still, it is good to know that research is there, and Motorola have already won FDA approval for the pill, a process that can often delay projects for years. Clearly something must be done to restore the password-protection service, we currently rely on, so who knows? Maybe disposable electronic tattoos will be the next big thing,

Meanwhile, you can strengthen your Internet security by investing in a VPN service. A VPN acts as an additional barrier between your private information and unscrupulous users to help keep your data safe.

Edward Snowden, Prism and social media: time to delete your account

5:11:00 PM Add Comment
Edward Snowden, Prism and social media: time to delete your account -

Thanks in a large part of The Guardian and whistleblower Edward Snowden, America and the rest of the world is now aware of a whole new meaning to the word previously innocent, "prism". Revelations conducted by the NSA surveillance activities has seen the Obama administration desperately trying to contain a situation that seems to be spiraling quickly out of control. Headlines Snowden's branding as a traitor are plastered in British and American media, but that did not stop the flurry of questions that the NSA and the broader government must meet.

Perhaps the most worrying aspect of the Prism case is the alleged complicity of so many Internet household names, including Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft and Apple. After initially issuing PR Press conveying messages of bewilderment and shock, many have since changed their minds and admitted they did indeed hand over the data to the spy agency. For over a decade now, we paid our personal information in Internet Systems, and despite the widespread indignation, erasing our online profiles in protest seems almost unthinkable. Living without the ability to Google questions or interact with the will of the many social media to be considered a fate worse than constant surveillance.

Edward Snowden continued to defend his position from his new refuge in Hong Kong. In a livechat with Guardian readers, he explained the main points about how the powers of the NSA extend and why he had waited until now to release his information in the hope that the Obama re-election would lead to a policy change. While government leaders are becoming increasingly angry and panicked by the statement, it seems particularly calm and sure in his convictions.

Britain's equivalent of the NSA, GCHQ, is facing a similar time uncomfortably in the spotlight after the discoveries released documents include damning reports on their activities during the G20. So far, the charges relate exclusively to international espionage for allegedly diplomatic meetings, as opposed to civilian oversight. Yet perhaps it is only a matter of time until a British whistleblower emerges to add to public outrage.

If you are concerned about your online security, a VPN service can help. The VPN functions as an additional security layer that sits between your personal data and any other person trying to access it.

News Roundup: Ubisoft hacking attack suffers big names to schedule the NSA surveillance events and Android researchers found "master key" vulnerability

4:10:00 PM Add Comment
News Roundup: Ubisoft hacking attack suffers big names to schedule the NSA surveillance events and Android researchers found "master key" vulnerability -

Ubisoft warns against the hacking attack

million video game publisher Ubisoft has warned players of video games that has recently undergone another security breach. The company says that the user names, email addresses and encrypted passwords were all compromise but as bank details such as credit card numbers and debit must be sure they are not stored on the site. It is estimated that nearly 58 million users have an account with Ubisoft at the time of the hack. The company recommends that users change their password for Ubisoft and other accounts with the same login credentials. This is the third security breach reported in one year, but the company said it does not believe that the attacks are related.

The protests provided on NSA Surveillance

Some of the biggest names in the Internet, including WordPress, Mozilla and Reddit have joined the mass protests against surveillance recent NSA controversy. The movement, named 'Restore the fourth "in a reference to the Fourth Amendment, provides around 100 events around the United States to date. Besides the events, several sites provide displaying protest messages in a move that will remind many people fight against piracy law protests last year, during which the Web sites and Wikipedia Google 'has become black "or censored themselves with black boxes for 24 hours to raise awareness of the bills.

researchers discovered Android "master key"

security research firm Bluebox discovered a "master key" that could give cyber criminals almost without restriction access to any Android device. The "master key" could allow an attacker to access data, eavesdrop and send unwanted messages, and is present in every single Android versions since 09. Android uses the cryptographic verification for the programs installed on its devices BlueBox and found a way to fool this verification method thinking that unusual and malicious changes to applications are normal. The plan of the research firm to release more details about the vulnerability at the Black Hat hacker conference this August. Google has not commented.

The mystery of security researcher and Development Centre Apple

3:09:00 PM Add Comment
The mystery of security researcher and Development Centre Apple -
Thursday 18 e July, Apple's Developer portal appears to be offline, with users presented with an apologetic message explaining that "maintenance is longer than expected. However, over the next few days a special story emerged on the real reasons for Apple's unavailability. As the portal, which contains information for over 275,000 third-party developers, has remained elusive, rumors began to spread suggesting that this was far from a routine maintenance check. The evidence is a database of accident, or a serious breach of security.
As The Hacker News reports, Apple issued a statement Monday pretend to recognize the real reasons for the failure. The sign of the interview was replaced with the explanation that "an intruder attempted to obtain personal information of our registered developers from our developer website. While Apple has assured customers that their encrypted data can not be accessed, they were unable to guarantee that the names, addresses and emails had not been stolen. Many users have also received suspicious request a password reset emails, suggesting that the pirates were still on the information.
The Guardian, however, gave a slightly different version of events after interviewing Ibrahim Balic, a researcher on Turkish security, which claimed responsibility for hacking. While admitting the act itself, Balic says its intentions are not criminal, but honorable, seeking to highlight flaws in Apple's system and grow as a researcher. While skeptics may suggest that it is changing its tune after being caught, Balic was outed not only the public but also to Apple, via a YouTube video with catches screen. The security expert has found 13 separate alarm zones, and filed a report with Apple, the same day the company closed the developer portal.
So is this a well-intentioned research mission, or serious criminal trespass? Apple declined to comment on the announcement of Balic, but remains a distinct possibility :. It was not the only person to dive into the company's security systems that day
While Apple continues to review its systems, you can help secure your personal computer using a VPN service. The VPN functions as an additional protective layer that sits between the data stored on your devices and any other person trying to access it.

Hide My Ass! Now supports Bitcoins

2:08:00 PM Add Comment
Hide My Ass! Now supports Bitcoins -

There are exactly two months The Guardian and The Washington Post revealed details of an exploration program mass electronic surveillance data operated by the National Security Agency in the United States. It was a revelation for many people who did not know the extent to which they were monitored and their data being collected. PRISM NSA program proves that the fears of everyone about government surveillance of Internet activity are fully justified. Our answer remains the same, to continue to provide the best online privacy tools for our users.

For the last two months, we supported Bitcoin as a payment gateway for Hide My Ass!

Why Bitcoin? We believe that the fundamentals like Bitcoin decentralized and anonymous currency is a perfect match for our goal of helping users to anonymize their Internet activity.

Bitcoin is available to all users, for packages of 12 months and 6 months. Due to the nature of how Bitcoin works to ensure anonymity for its users, we understand that there is a slight learning curve. We wrote a useful tutorial on our Wiki HMA on how to get started with Bitcoins. Do not worry if you get stuck, help is always at hand.

Use Bitcoins and Hide My Ass! today.

News Roundup: Vodafone Germany hit by the attack hacking, iPhone 5S Apple causes data collection problems and piracy responsible for one in four UK dow ...

1:07:00 PM Add Comment
News Roundup: Vodafone Germany hit by the attack hacking, iPhone 5S Apple causes data collection problems and piracy responsible for one in four UK dow ... -

hacker steals personal details of two million Vodafone Germany customers

A hacker managed to steal the personal data of more than two million customers, Vodafone Germany, including names, addresses, dates of birth and bank account details. The details were accessed through a database that was stored on the internal network of the company and the attack was "deeply launched within the company's IT infrastructure. Vodafone said it did not think enough information was obtained to actually connect to bank accounts, but that all affected customers were notified and warned to beware of email "phishing" that can try to encourage them to reveal the rest of the data needed to access their money.

iPhone 5S Apple causes data collection debate

companies are warned that they should carefully consider the security risks that the new iPhone 5S d Apple can present with the amount of user data it collects from its large amount of sensors. gyroscope, compass of the phone and accelerometer every store user information in a new chip called M7 which can then be accessed via the Apple CoreMotion API. The feature is meant for software developers, especially those working on new fitness and health applications, but the data could also be exploited by criminals. The warning comes on the heels of the news that Apple's shares fell more than 5% for the launch of their two new smartphones.

Piracy responsible for one in four downloads

Ofcom and Kantar Media released a report saying that nearly one in four downloads in the UK are accessible illegally. The study found that nearly 2% of all Internet users in the UK are thought to be responsible for about three-quarters of online piracy in a single year, with music, movies, all games and software illegally downloaded in the period between May 2012 and May 2013, a quarter of those who resorted to piracy said they would stop if they have faced prosecution, while one in five said that they would consider doing things legally if they have received a letter from their ISP.

New HMA! kid on the block ...

12:06:00 PM Add Comment
New HMA! kid on the block ... -

Hello! My name is Nicola, and I take the reins of HMA! Blog. I will provide news related to privacy and security; serious at times bizarre. In addition, practical advice to help you make the most of our VPN service, and introduce you to the team members by asking very important questions, such as: "If you were a cheese, what kind would -you? "

more, I'll give you mini tutoring lessons to help those of you who do not know what a LT2P protocol is or what you do with a router . DD-WRT no, you can not eat so do not worry, do not think "I am technically challenged!; I can not set up a VPN on Windows on my Mac or iPhone "... You can!

So, a little about me. I'm from the UK, the land of Fish & Chips, and rain -I think it rains 360 days a year. - and is one of the reasons why the British are obsessed about the time I traveled, lived and worked around the world, including the United STATES, Iraq, Kuwait and Lebanon.

My career in news journalism began with CNN in Atlanta and London, but I switched to Fox News chain back in 05. During almost five years of Fox News coverage on Iraq I handled breaking news of the hanging of Saddam Hussein in the bombing of the golden Mosque of Samarra. I embedded with military forces in some of the operations dangerous and difficult in Iraq, including Mosul, Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, Al-Asad, Baquba and Sadr City. I flew in dozens of Blackhawks, the V-22 Osprey, and traveled up and down the country until 'armored Humvee. I dined on (the mother) MRE -. I do not recommend the beef patty, and I was once bitten by a scorpion

I am here to help you understand the technical jargon by providing simple explanations for what many of us can not make head or tail. When confronted with acronyms and technical content, we can often be baffled to the point of no return. It need not be this way more

I would like to hear from you. - So if there is something you want to see here that I do not speak, or anything else you want to ask (blog related only please), then please email me at

Buy HMA! Pro VPN using iDEAL

10:04:00 PM Add Comment
Buy HMA! Pro VPN using iDEAL -

We are very pleased to announce that we have launched a new payment method for our Dutch customers, online banking iDEAL.

iDEAL is a payment method popular in the Netherlands and will allow customers to buy HMA! Pro VPN quickly and securely, using direct online transfers from their bank account.

Customers can now buy one-off and recurring subscription for VPN Pro using iDEAL. Subscriptions purchased via iDEAL are prices in euros, so you know exactly how much is charged to your account.

Banks supported

To use iDEAL you must have an account with one of the following banks:


ASN Bank

Frieland Bank

ING Bank




SNS Bank

Triodos Bank

Van Lanschot

If you have any questions about using iDEAL, please ask in the comments below or contact our support team.

Who is watching you?

11:05:00 AM Add Comment
Who is watching you? -

US spying allegations made headlines for months, and we are increasingly aware that our Internet activities are monitored and controlled.

Every time you visit a website, you leave a "digital trail". This information is collected and then used by organizations to improve their products and to better understand their clients. This is known as "the collection of data", which can make people nervous because many people prefer to keep their anonymous browsing.

we browse web pages on a daily basis, but you might be surprised to know the number of partner companies of these sites that follow your Internet activity.

Lightbeam is a new tool for Mozilla Firefox, and lets you track which websites are you tracking. I downloaded the free add-on here and tested.

Once installed, you will find the Lightbeam icon at the bottom right of your browser. Click it and a new window displaying three options: Graphic, Clock and List. You can see the number of sites that you follow using their filter; the most recent sites you've visited, the last 10 sites, and daily and weekly connection results.

The figures are quite amazing. I went seven websites, and these companies shared this information with third parties 114 sites.

You may wonder what Lightbeam done with the information that it collects, and the answer is nothing. However, they "create a big-picture view of how tracking works on the Internet, and how other sites are connected to several other locations" You can contribute your data to their "crowdsourcing directory by simply turning on the switch of shares within the add-on. to turn crowdsourcing, you can disable it at any time. "

Using the Incognito mode or private browsing mode on your computer will only remove the information from your computer and not the server, and if you are wondering why you are repeatedly targeted by advertisers, chances are it's because of cookies, which are small files downloaded from websites on your computer. You can choose to disable, but keep in mind that you may not be able to enter other sites.

Is there a solution? Yes. The best way to avoid this is to use a VPN, and us, no surprise here, recommend HMA! Pro VPN. Your traffic will be routed through one of our servers and therefore the sites you visit will not be able to follow your "online business; they will follow one of our IP addresses. It is an ingenious piece of magic.

For now, Lightbeam only works on Mozilla's Firefox browser, but Chrome users can still download the Collusion add-on (Lightbeam began in July 2011, Collusion) from the Chrome Web Store which will give you similar information.

virtual slots - what are they and can I use them to

9:03:00 PM Add Comment
virtual slots - what are they and can I use them to -

virtual locations - What are they and can I use them to

When you connect to one of our HMA! VPN servers, you are assigned an IP address from the countries of server you connect to. For example to connect to any HMA! server in America and you will get a US IP address. You can check here

Log in different countries is ideal to access geo-restricted content - for example, if you are in the United UK and you want to watch American television, many US sites will see that you are in the UK and prevent you from viewing the content. A VPN will help you work around this problem; just connect to a US VPN server that assigns you a US IP address. This will let you watch the shows, the site will now see you as the connection within the United States - you deceived the site into thinking that you are physically in the United States. However, connecting to a country that is far from your physical location can sometimes lead to slower connection speeds and decreased reaction times which can make online multimedia distribution difficult. "Virtual Places" can help solve this problem.

When you connect to a server virtual location ', you have assigned an IP address of the country you would like to appear from, but you connect to a server that is physically country closest to you. For example, if you are based in Europe and want to access the Internet from the United States, sign in UK, London -. USA Virtual Server

This will give you enhanced speed because now you took a shorter route, a "virtual".

When you connect to this virtual server location and check your IP address you will see that you have a virtual IP address working, although the server you just connected is located in a different country. You can now expect increased speeds and improved response time

Give it a try -. Check HMA! Pro VPN server clients location list, the / server PPTP L2TP list or OpenVPN configuration files for server locations "virtual"

TCP OpenVPN configuration files

UDP OpenVPN files config

server lists L2TP

server lists PPTP: These can be found in your panel control

You can find more information about virtual locations here

Hide My Ass! Bug vs heartbleed

8:02:00 PM Add Comment
Hide My Ass! Bug vs heartbleed -

On April 7, the OpenSSL Project has issued a security advisory that detailed a vulnerability in the encryption software used by most of the Internet. This vulnerability (nicknamed "heartbleed") would potentially allow an attacker to retrieve information from encrypted SSL endpoints.

A Hide My Ass! we take security very seriously. We keep our user credentials on a separate server domain, which means that our user credentials are never completely vulnerable and affected by the heartbleed question.

We have taken measures to respond to any potential vulnerability to our HideMyAss .com domain heartbleed and continue to safeguard our services.

Given the abundance of the matter on the Internet, we advise any client who uses his VPN password on another service (which we would not recommend) to change their password immediately password.

New HMA! VPN Client v2.8.4.3 Pro Windows

7:01:00 PM Add Comment
New HMA! VPN Client v2.8.4.3 Pro Windows -

After customer feedback, we have released a minor update; Version to improve and solve problems within the customer

Improvements :.

  • Improved stability and connectivity within the client was implemented
  • Customer Improvement Report dialog

we always welcome comments or questions you may have, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

LinkedIn think censorship is OK

6:00:00 PM Add Comment
LinkedIn think censorship is OK -

China is the world's second largest economy, and is well known for a number of things, including the Great Wall of China, and also for its Great Firewall of China.

The Great Wall of China strongly control that its users can access and say online, and in many cases, blocks all access to many popular social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as a number of websites of NGOs and also streaming video sites like YouTube.

most of us take for granted that we are able to share our thoughts and express our opinions whenever we want on the Internet, on forums, social networks, and even the Sites such as Greenpeace activists. It is a basic human right to be able to have our say, but unfortunately, China is not the case.

A US site pushed to the forefront of the news recently, is a professional social networking service LinkedIn. LinkedIn is one of the few players of large US companies in the market of social media operating in China and has been so for over a decade with little fanfare. Earlier this year, they launched their simplified beta Chinese version "领 英" (pinyin: Lǐngyīng literally "ruling elite") on the market, and few eyebrows were raised during this period,

Until yesterday. week, in the period before the 25th anniversary of the massacre in Tiananmen Square, when the Wall Street Journal reported that a number of LinkedIn members received notification that the video link they posted or support friends and those killed in the massacre was blocked. The message read, "We want to make clear that your activity is and has been seen worldwide, with the exception of the People's Republic of China. This is due to specific requirements in China to block certain content so that not on our network in the country. "

LinkedIn clearly accepted the terms of China to be able to operate there, and earlier this CEO year LinkedIn Jeff Weiner said on his blog "as a condition to operate in the country, the Chinese government imposes requirements censorship on Internet platforms. LinkedIn strongly supports freedom of expression and fundamental disagreement with government censorship. "

Thus, LinkedIn fully supports freedom of expression, but also respect the laws censorship in China. Ummm, right. OK.

At the end of 2013, China had about 618 million Internet users and of course, many companies want to do business there, but if doing business in China means pandering to the Chinese government, how many companies are willing to forget the freedom of expression? How many would be willing to sell their souls "of censorship 'to the devil?

Many Internet users in China, including expats are unaware that there is a solution to this problem, a solution that will access a number of sites blocked them, post on social media sites and NGO sites just under the nose of the Chinese government

buying a VPN. (HMA Pro VPN - our Summer Sale is now !!) is all you need to resume the Internet. When you select one of our VPN servers, you are assigned a different IP address (your ISP in China will not be able to detect that you are using) and, therefore, a site that you could not access before, will unlocked with a VPN. It is also a good idea to create a LinkedIn account using one of our IP addresses as this will ensure you get what you want without fear of being censored.

You can use a VPN to unblock websites in a number of countries where Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, and many others are stuck!

Although LinkedIn say that the number of positions or blocked links on their site is small, it still allows censorship, which is something that should never be accepted. Google did not bow to pressure in 2010 when it withdrew its servers from China after refusing to give in to censorship demands from the government. Hopefully LinkedIn remains one of the few companies that believes that censorship is not a big deal.

To place an order for HMA! Pro VPN and circumvent government censorship here

How to access the video of all countries!

4:59:00 PM Add Comment
How to access the video of all countries! -

"Sorry, you can not access this video from the country where you are."
"The uploader has not made this video available in your country."

I'm sure you've seen these types of messages pop up at some point in your quest to watch video online. We've all been there, spending hours and hours trying to find ways around the problem and after googling frantically, well, we give up.

You've probably encountered the term geo-restricted / geo-gating and geo-blocked content travels over the Internet. These terms mean that only certain online videos can be viewed from certain countries. For example, if you are in the UK and want to watch TV in the United States, US sites are able to detect that you are in the UK and prevent you from viewing the content. This is because you are recognized by your IP address indicating the website of your country of location.

Well, I'm about to make your day, because no matter if you are in New Zealand, France or even Timbuktu in fact anywhere - as long as you have an active Internet connection, you can watch all your favorite shows using a VPN

Surprise (Virtual Private Network). , Surprise, I highly recommend that you buy Hide My Ass! - And remember that you can save 56% off in our summer sale! When you connect to our VPN server, you are assigned one of our IP addresses - your original IP address is hidden not only from your ISP, but all Web sites you visit. With your "new" IP address, you can watch what you want, wherever you are in the world.

Which server to choose?

It depends on which country the original video is hosted. I'll take YouTube as an example to explain. If you are an American and you are traveling outside of the States, say you're in Germany, you will need a US IP address. Why? Because if you use a German IP address, the block imposed by YouTube will not be lifted. When you try to watch the video, YouTube detects that you're not in the States, and prevent you from viewing. What you will need is a US IP address. Simply connect to one of our US VPN servers, and you'll be able to access the video content as YouTube detects that you have a US IP address - he thinks you're in the States Clever things (even if you are not physically!), huh ?!

Another example. You are in Spain and you want to stream video that only those in the UK can watch. Again, you need to appear as if you are in the UK, and yes, you guessed it, you select a UK VPN server.

When you want to watch any geo-restricted content you must be "virtually" in the country broadcast the video content, and a VPN is exactly what you need to be able to do so.

you can use a VPN in several ways, for example, Internet users in China, Pakistan and Iran use for censorship bypass blocks of the Government on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. You can also use a VPN to secure your data from getting into the hands of hackers and thieves when using public Wi-Fi security.

Visit our website for more information about HMA! Pro VPN.

How to remove 'canvas fingerprinting'

3:58:00 PM Add Comment
How to remove 'canvas fingerprinting' -

Many websites are integrated with a media Web tracking technology, the one who hit the headlines recently is AddThis, which enables Web pages to track our online activities, and monitor what we share on Facebook and Twitter, etc. our data is collected, such as system fonts, and also reveals the browser we use. This information is sold to advertising companies which, in turn, direct ads, articles and other content they think is of interest to us. Research by a group of Princeton University and KU Leuven University Belgium found that 5 percent of the 100,000 first Web sites, including web using fingerprints.

For a list of the sites to visit KU Leuven site.

What to do?

Canvass fingerprint is an ingenious piece of technology, but it is also scary and invades our right to privacy. If you browse websites, you probably saw enable cookies pop up on the web page, cookies allow companies to monitor your browsing activity, as well as offer you a better experience of navigation. Cookies can be controlled using the incognito mode or private browsing mode on your computer, but it deletes information from your computer and not the server.

You can turn off cookies, but keep in mind that you may not be able to enter other sites. See Wiki article explains how you can disable cookies on a number of different platforms.

Whereas the cookies can easily be controlled, canvas fingerprints, while not impossible to remove, takes a little more effort to manage.

Each of us has our own blank canvas, and our web browser, it could be Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer or Firefox, draws a picture on our web. I have one; you have one, it is unique to each computer, so that companies can recognize each person individually. Image with information, is returned to the site, a number is assigned to your computer, so the ads can be delivered.

The advertising companies want to know your spending habits, you are interested in - it is a huge money maker, so they show ads and customized marketing information for you using this technology. Directing ads that they hope we will be interested, in turn, pay more money advertisers - that everyone is happy, right? Well, maybe some of you may find these ads use (you really?!) But also, many of us see this as an invasion of privacy, especially when this new cache technology is much more difficult to remove and detect too. It is not visible in the view that has made many people very concerned about another company collects our data in a sneaky way. We all love to share, tweet, Facebook post on our thoughts and opinions and jokes, and pictures of cats over, but now it seems we pay for this "privilege" with our data.

Canvas fingerprint is stronger than cookies, but not impossible to remove

You can not just remove canvas fingerprint by removing cookies or not accept because it is on your browser. But the good news is that you can avoid this type of detection. You can use NoScript, a Firefox extension web and download the extension of the Chameleon privacy.

See the design and Gizmodo technology blog for other ways to control the canvas fingerprint.

It is also a good idea to use AdBlock plus widget and keep everything private or incognito browsing the web, and also do not forget to use HMA! Pro VPN while connected to the Internet that will add an extra layer of protection of privacy.

For more information on the canvas fingerprint, see this article PC World.

course, it's your data, it is your decision as to whether you block or accept canvas fingerprinting and also cookies, but it is good to know that you have options.

for more information about HMA! Pro VPN visit our website.

VPN server in Iraq and 15 other servers added

2:57:00 PM Add Comment
VPN server in Iraq and 15 other servers added -

update the VPN server for you. Since our last update, we added 16 servers, including a VPN server in Iraq, 3142 IP addresses, 9 new countries and 1 NEW virtual location to HMA! Pro VPN network. We were little bees adding a VPN server in Sanaa, and several VPN servers in Miami, Florida

The details :.

  • Oman, Salalah VPN (252 IPs) (New Country)
  • Lebanon, Beirut VPN (252 IPs) (New country)
  • Syria, Ad Darah VPN (252 IPs) (New country)
  • Iraq, Baghdad VPN (252 IPs) ( new countries)
  • Afghanistan, Kabul VPN (252 IPs) (new country)
  • Palestine, Bethlehem VPN (252 IPs) (new country )
  • Bahrain, Manama VPN (252 IPs) (New country)
  • Bangladesh, Dhaka VPN (252 IPs) (New country)
  • Yemen, Sanaa VPN (251 IPs) (New country)
  • Netherlands, Amsterdam - Virtual USA VPN (Loc 1 Servers 1-2) ( 249 IPs) (New virtual location)
  • Austria Vienna VPN (Loc 1 Server 2) (122 IPs)
  • USA, Florida, Miami VPN (Loc 2 servers 1-2) (253 IPs)
  • Australia, New South Wales, Sydney VPN (1 Loc servers 3-4) (251 IPs)

We are delighted to say that we now have VPN servers in each state of the United States - take a look our list of USA VPN servers.

  • If there is a country or location that you want a VPN server, please let us know by commenting here on our blog.
  • Visit our main website for more information about HMA! Pro VPN servers.

We are very pleased to announce that we launched HMA! Arabia. Now you can get all the latest news and how is Arab!

HMA! Pro upgrade iOS VPN - You can now access all your favorite servers

1:56:00 PM Add Comment
HMA! Pro upgrade iOS VPN - You can now access all your favorite servers -

After customer feedback, we are pleased to inform you that we have added the "Favourite server 'in our latest upgrade to iOS v1.5.3

New feature :.

  • the "preferred server" function has been added, so now you score easily all VPN servers or country that you use most often, which lets you easily connect to when your favorite server!
  • you can know how to use the new "favorites" in our Help Center.

    If you have comments or questions, you can always send us an email, join our forum or comment on our blog - we always like to hear from you

    HMA! Team

Meet Hide My Ass! Launchpad career to start in November 2014

12:55:00 PM Add Comment
Meet Hide My Ass! Launchpad career to start in November 2014 -

Do you have a great business idea but need of industry experts professional advice to start this? Maybe you're just curious about what is needed to start one, or perhaps you are looking for a new career in the startup and technology scene, so do not miss career start Lanchpad this November!

A staggering 526.446 companies were registered with the Companies House in 2013 - maybe 2015 will be your year to turn your idea into reality

This is the fourth year that the event took place, and in past years has included participants from some of the biggest names in technology and social media, including Hootsuite, Google and Adobe.

A number of the fastest growing UK companies will be present, including Hide My Ass! CEO and founder Jack Cator and COO Danvers Baillieu will be available to give you advice.

Hide My Ass! was recently ranked # 9 in Tech Track Sunday Times 100

Some of the keynote speakers this year include:

  • Adiba Osman - Tech City
  • Jack Cator - Hide My Ass
  • Danvers Baillieu - Hide My Ass
  • Romain Kidd - CEO - iMakr
  • Nic Jackson - digital innovation
  • Tim Williams - Founder - YrStore
  • Kris Hallenga - Founder CoppaFeel

the one-day event will give you the opportunity to network and listen to industry experts. This is your chance to see what's hot in the world of technology, get advice from some of the most successful stars of the startup scene, and maybe you even land a new career

  • clinical CV - which includes practical advice on industry experts
  • master class 3D printer and competition with iMakr and My Mini factory
  • Find out what life a start-up is really like
  • Get the inside scoop on how to market your business start

What: startup Launchpad career
Where: Shoreditch, London
When: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:00 to 17: 00 (GMT)

If you are serious about starting a business or even just curious how you could start one, then come and meet the people who can help you!

for details and how to purchase tickets for this one-day event career start visiting Launchpad.

How to register for HMA! Pro VPN

11:54:00 AM Add Comment
How to register for HMA! Pro VPN -

Buying a HMA! Pro VPN subscription could not be easier. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to save and pay for an account with us. In no time you'll be surfing the net anonymously, you'll be able to access television over the world, keep spying eyes of your private information, and access all the websites that your government blocked.

First, you must create an account you can do here

1. Select a user name, enter your email address and password.

Then click " Continue ".


2. You will be automatically logged into the VPN control panel with your newly created account. If you are not, you can login here. You can also click here

You will now see the payment page, where you have to select:

  1. - A payment plan (1 month / 6 months / 12 months) and your preferred payment method
  2. -. recurring payment status (if you want your subscription renewed automatically when it is about to expire)

for details on available payment methods, s 'please visit: How to buy HMA! Pro VPN (Payment Methods)

Once you have entered all the required information, click on " Checkout " as shown below.


What comes next depends on what the payment processor you selected.

Usually you have to select your country and currency, and enter your billing information.

Once you 've sent your payment, it will be reviewed and processed by the payment processor

Please note . So your payment is being processed, you will only see the payment page (see screenshot above screen)
Once your payment has been received by us, you will be able to connect and you will be able to see the control panel as shown below. On the control panel, you will also see "Downloading software and access help." Click on that and you will see a list of software options. Choose one for your device, and the download will start.


If you need help downloading, installation and use of HMA! Pro VPN here

If you questions, you can always email us or contact us via LiveChat.

That's it! Enjoy using HMA! Pro VPN.

The British government has banned a number of sexual acts from the UK is porn!

10:53:00 PM Add Comment
The British government has banned a number of sexual acts from the UK is porn! -

Regulations 2014 Audiovisual Media Services recently introduced new rules on the type of content that is allowed to appear in pornographic films pay. Last year, the government set up a porn internet filter - which largely chosen to ignore users, and now they have taken it upon themselves to decide what material they consider "harmful" and prohibit it from being manufactured or sold online in Britain. Spank you very much British government!

The list includes a number of kinky goings, including spanking and caning, and especially takes offense to female sexual pleasure, it is OK for a man to have a happy ending online, but apparently not a woman! Cheek bare face of it - at least bare bottom was not banned. However!
Of course, this does not mean that people can not look at this type of content in the UK as you can easily listen in to oversea.

They do it on purpose Lynn! "

I will not show you graphic diagrams to explain all this (Whaaat! You ask) but, on the contrary, if you do not know what water sports imply that you can check this excerpt from Alan Partridge series explains hilarious "sport".

this moral judgment is apparently to protect children against harmful content, but children are not the ones who pay for access to this type of content they are minor and should not, for example, a PayPal account if this is to protect them. - "yes, what is the point of it" they have wasted their time It also raises the question well, this new measure is yet another excuse to impose censorship, and let's face it, we are not far behind Iran, China, Russia and Turkey in their quest to censor almost everything! and then ? a ban comedy? a ban on such films as "a Fistful of dollars?"

monkey slowly, slowly catchy

No discussion or justification reasonable was applied to this arbitrary decision that stifles freedom of information and expression. This raised cause for concern among a number of people, including activist and lawyer Myles Jackman said that we see the beginning of a "new stage in a sustained campaign of Internet censorship, which has wide-reaching consequences . "

December 12, about 500 people will get on Westminster to stage a protest against the new laws of censorship under the hashtag pornprotest. the event coincides with a new motion by the Liberal House Democrat Julian Huppert to abolish the new law.

the Internet should not be regulated by a strip of half-spirits hellbent to impose draconian surveillance methods, and stupid censorship laws. What right have ? -they placing a vice ban peoples fantasies Oh you have a fantasy, and you want to watch online acted by consenting adults - and you can not

This new measure opens the valves to the powers that be to decide what we can and can not watch and! fantasize about, it's a slippery slope to Thoughtcrime Orwellian.

New version of HMA! Pro VPN client for iOS v1.6

9:52:00 PM Add Comment
New version of HMA! Pro VPN client for iOS v1.6 -

We are pleased to tell you that we have released a new version of HMA! ! Pro VPN client for iOS v1.6

New feature:

- New search functionality within the server list

(S 'please note: the search function is possible only by the name of the country)

If you have feedback or feature requests for the next version, you can always send us an email, join our forum or comment on this post - we always like to hear from you!

Because piracy on the rise! How to prevent piracy car

8:51:00 PM Add Comment
Because piracy on the rise! How to prevent piracy car -

car hacking is on the rise, with thousands of cars stolen in London, United Kingdom alone. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent your car being hacked

In a report of the recent crime metropolitan police reported about 21,000 cars were stolen in London and another 68,000 were burgled. - It's an amazing 89,000 stolen cars and divided in a year. And over half of these break-ins and thefts decreased to hacking car - which means that criminals were breaking and stealing cars without using physical force. What is also scary is how quickly they were able to do with a car - in less than 10 seconds

Car hackers can easily hack the security of a system drive, and then program a blank key, start the engine without the need for a physical key, according to the Sunday Times. You can learn more about how thieves can break into your car in The Sunday Times Driving.

The London Evening Standard recently reported that the car hacking is so widespread in some parts of London that criminals are turning their attention on luxury cars like BMW and Range Rover. So much so that the police in the affluent neighborhood of Kensington and Chelsea began to arrest any driver of a luxury car after midnight, to ensure they are the rightful owner.

What is the car of piracy?

Many luxury cars are equipped with a wireless network or Bluetooth car that hackers exploit to access the internal computer of a car. What may come as a surprise to some is that in a modern car, according to Mr. Corman, a spokesman for the base band I Am The Cavalry (IATC), told the BBC that up to 0 units electronic control unit (ECU) are integrated in a vehicle. These minicomputers perform important functions, including braking, acceleration and the airbag.

These mini computers communicate, transmit information such as monitoring the road takes a car, keeping a record and storage of data in the computer's memory system. Data from the airbag, for example, may indicate that a collision is imminent, this information is sent to the main computer, and the airbag is deployed.

Edmund King, president of the AA, The Times said "You are now getting the cars that are connected to the Internet 24 hours a day. If cybercriminals target cars as they target other things we would be in a hard and fast lap. "he added," the more cars rely on technology, especially remote technology, the more it is coming from. "

our need to stay connected, that whether by phone, laptop or car, brings a smile to many a face criminals. As technological capacities develop, as the capacity of car pirates, and criminals - this is a serious game of cat and mouse. A BMW spokesman speaking to Daily Mail "It is a technological race between us and criminal gangs."

And if that was not enough, hackers and car criminals may also be able to listen to our conversations, passing on car microphones, according to Jacques Louw of MWR security.

But what can you do to prevent your car from being hacked? Norton and the London Metropolitan Police have a number of recommendations.

5 steps to prevent your car being hacked

  • Remember crook locks? Well, London's Metropolitan Police recommend using this simple security measure to secure your car
  • Use of vehicle tracking devices
  • Keep your car in a safe place, eg , a garage or a safe area under CCTV surveillance
  • only trust reputable car dealers and repair shops - you definitely do not want unscrupulous garages mingle with systems computer of your car
  • do not be afraid to ask the car dealer to car wireless systems. Ask them if the systems can be controlled remotely

For more ways to prevent your car from being hacked visit the Norton website and more information can be found by visiting the website metropolitan police in London.

and do not forget that you can easily enhance the security on your PC, Mac, Android or iPhone with HMA! Pro VPN - the best VPN provider on the market. Visit our website for more information about HMA! Pro VPN and also read our advice on the Wi-Fi Security!

Keep your data safe with HMA! Android app

7:50:00 PM Add Comment
Keep your data safe with HMA! Android app -

The Hide My Ass! Android app is easy to use, taking a few minutes to set up. Connect your Android to HMA! Pro VPN and stay safe online!

Calling all Android users! OK, you bought a HMA! Pro VPN subscription and now you want to know how to use your Android to keep your data safe from prying eyes, surf the net anonymously or maybe you want to access videos of all countries!

Well, you've certainly come to the right place! In this tutorial we will explain, in simple steps, how to keep spying eyes of your private and confidential information using the HMA! Android app.

After installing the HMA! Pro VPN app from Google Play and run it for the first time, the first step is to connect to your VPN account

Please note :. You will need to buy a HMA! Pro VPN subscription to use the application.

If you do not already have a HMA! VPN Pro account, you can register from the application using the button "Create Account", or you can register through the VPN control panel:

Once you are connected, the application checks if you have an active VPN subscription.

If you do, you can not easily buy a subscription from the application (see section "How to Register and purchase") using PayPal or Google Play.

Alternatively you can log in via your web browser for the VPN control panel, you can use alternative payment methods such as Bitcoin, Webmoney, Qiwi, or by bank transfer, and more.

when you have an active HMA! Pro VPN subscription, you can use the application to establish a VPN connection on your device.

The application, by default, suggesting a server closest to your physical location that ensures a fast connection, but you can also press the white " Location " to select a VPN server of your choice from our server list. you can also search for cities and countries.

please refer to the article "server selection and VPN connection" to get more detailed information on these topics.

When you are satisfied with your VPN server selection, just press " Connect "and the VPN connection is established.

once the connection has been successfully established, the application will show you

  • connection Status " firmly connected to the VPN "
  • Your original IP
  • Your new IP address

and other buttons become available, such that

  • Change Ip
  • Confirmation of the IP address
  • Disconnect

now, press "Check the IP address," which will open your web browser to confirm your IP

This will show you important information about your new IP address as ISP (Internet service provider), country, state / region, city, area code -. and a map showing your approximate location (virtual)

That's it! You are now fully protected by HMA! Pro VPN and all your traffic - independent of what applications you use - will be sent and received securely through the VPN connection. Your data will be safe from spying eyes! Clean enough, eh?

For an overview of all available settings and functions of the application, please refer to the following section "Overview of parameters and functions "

for more detailed help and troubleshooting suggestions, problems and possible solutions, please check this article "HMA! Help & troubleshooting"

If you use the HMA! Pro VPN Android App we would like to hear what you think about it - please let us know by commenting here on our blog. If you need help with HMA! Pro VPN feel please free to email us or contact us via LiveChat (you will see the icon "Chat with us!" In the lower right corner on our website.)
