Brazil: a bill adopted on internet privacy

4:23:00 PM
Brazil: a bill adopted on internet privacy -

in Brazil, users are welcomed to a new law should be adopted to regulate the Internet and ensure user privacy.

This Constitution for Internet entitled "civil framework" is to allow a free and open network. "While in some countries, certain laws that criminalize behaviors have been transmitted, it establishes the rights and guarantees freedom on the Internet," said AFP Sergio Amadeu da Silveira, the Brazilian Association of Researchers in cyberspace .

the bill must now be passed by the Senate. He was taken by the government and has become even more crucial after the dramatic revelations of the former consultant NSA, Edward Snowden, who confirmed that the United States was spying on millions of Brazilians, including President Dilma Rousseff herself.

"civil framework is an instrument for freedom of expression, privacy and the rights of man, also tweeted Rousseff. "It establishes rights but also duties for governments, companies and users.

It guarantees freedom of expression and privacy of Internet users against infringement and unauthorized use . their data also defines the "net neutrality" that fight against the major telecommunications groups: it prohibits ISPs to adjust the speed or the connection cost to the user based on the content being played (eg price more higher for video websites or competitors).

for the law to be approved, after months of discussions, the government had to give companies like Google that store user information in data centers in Brazil, a measure that aims to fight against eavesdropping. the major companies involved have objected that it induces excessive cost without improving data security.

the first vote on this project came less than a month before a meeting convened by Brazil late April, an international conference to be held in Sao Paulo. The discussions will be around a plural and open model of global governance of the Internet. Rousseff has been very active on this issue, it is indeed leads one of the countries with the largest number of WebUsers, nearly 100 million.

This conference will bring together representatives of governments, but also consumers, businesses and universities. This represents "an important step to confirm the values ​​of humanity, such as the right to privacy, freedom of expression, pluralism and access to information," said Marcelo Bechara, committee member management of the Brazilian internet, the government agency that brings together all stakeholders.

"it may well pause in the debate on the future of global governance of the Internet", he also added. Brazil is in the spotlight and can inspire some models. "

Google said the bill passed" has taken sufficient account of all the participants of the online ecosystem. " "It will provide a solid basis for encouraging a balanced approach and open Internet, and will also be a breeding ground for innovation and freedom of expression," said the Internet giant.

They are still strong criticism although the fact that the bill requires ISPs to store data navigation for at least six months, even if it can only be accessed on a court decision.

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