Biometrics to replace passwords, but is it safer?

4:59:00 PM
Biometrics to replace passwords, but is it safer? -

passwords have long been at the forefront of computer security, since the beginning, in fact, but as technology advances, so must the security protection. It has long been touted as the successor of biometrics to replace passwords, but is it safer? The problem with passwords is that it is simply a string of characters, numbers, or letters, more complex passwords are more difficult to break, but unfortunately also more difficult to remember.

Security experts have long tried to think of that many cases replacement of piracy are simply easy to crack passwords, and the last were biometrics. Using physical characteristics such as fingerprints, iris pattern and even heart rate, which are incredibly difficult for someone to replicate the positives seem to overwhelm the negatives, but do they really? So a hacker can simply crack a password by brute force, it is at least possible to change your password if it is compromised. But what happens if the hacker keep your fingerprints? Which is exactly what happened when someone has shown how easy it was after the lifting someones fingerprint profile from a high-quality photography.

with passwords being so vulnerable, and hackers increasingly sophisticated, surely something as unique and completely independent of having to remember is a big step forward. According Biometrics Research Group, 650million people will be using biometrics as means of security on their mobile devices by the end of this year. Apple introduced the fingerprint recognition on the iPhone 5S in 2013, which was adopted by many manufacturers and will more than likely increase. Even on Windows 10, biometrics have been integrated by the operating system.

The arguments against the dependence of biometrics is that these data should be stored somewhere, the unique model of a fingerprint or iris, so if the database had to be compromised, then the impact will be much worse than just a stolen password. Until equilibrium is found, finding the perfect failsafe protection that is both not dependent on memory or devastating if stolen, biometrics will continue to remove the password.

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