EU tightens sanctions against cybercriminals

12:43:00 PM
EU tightens sanctions against cybercriminals -

Cybercriminals will be subject to tougher European sanctions under a project Directive adopted by the European Parliament on 4 July.

For several years, cyber crime cases continued to grow, achieving more intense and diversified on a global scale. Cyberspace allows criminal or even terrorist actions to be carried thousands of kilometers of the victim.

The European Parliament adopted a draft Directive reinforcing the penalties for perpetrators of cyber attacks or cyber crime. To be fully implemented, this text must still be voted on by the European Council. It leaves Member States free to set their own prison sentences for perpetrators of cyber crime, which should be worth at least two years for the following cases:

• illegal access to systems information

• unlawful interference with these systems

• unlawful interference with the data

• illegal interception of communications

• production and intentional sales the tools used to commit these crimes

States also have to determine the shares 'minor' of cybercrime to exclude from the scope of the Directive, for example, report a security breach. A prison sentence of at least three years may be engaged when using botnets -. As part of an attack to take remote control of a large number of computers via spyware

Finally, the maximum sentence for attacks against critical infrastructure (nuclear power plants, transmission and government systems) could be a prison sentence of at least five years. The same is true in the case of an attack committed by a criminal organization which would create serious damage.

To make police cooperation between Member States to be more efficient, the EU is also developing a system warning among Member States, so that agents can respond to any urgent requests if cyber attacks within eight hours.

And companies are not left out, as they would also be liable for offenses committed for their benefit (eg, when they asked for a hacker to access a competitor's data). They will be held criminally responsible for this case.

This Directive is based on measures that are already in force since 05. Once this law is adopted, Member States will then have two years to transpose it into their national legislation law.

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