Safety investigation Violations government highlights the growing threat to UK business

10:04:00 PM
Safety investigation Violations government highlights the growing threat to UK business -

high-profile cyber crimes are increasingly hitting the headlines but it can be difficult to say exactly how widespread these often imperceptible attacks really are. For answers, we must turn to the cold, hard statistics, according to a recent government survey on Information Security Breaches, the outlook is rather bleak for users of unsuspecting computers.

Commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the report found that 93% of large firms and 87% of small businesses have been the target of cyber crime last year. This represents a significant increase over the previous year, especially for small businesses that had already been much less exposed to the kind of attacks on big business.
The financial impact of these crimes is also significant. According to the report, the cost to the UK as a whole is "billions of pounds", with an average security breach for a large organization accumulating losses of between £ 450,000 and £ 850,000. This has almost tripled last year.
Although these great figures refer to IT professional services as opposed to individuals being personally attacked, the prevalence of online crime should encourage everyone to make sure they ' re keeping up with security threats - something the report suggests companies are ''.
The problem is not only of "difficulty making out" or - even if external attacks are critical security vulnerabilities in small and large companies (63% and 78% respectively), a significant part of the infringements found in the survey results from human error or intentional misuse of the system by the staff.
continuing education in the workplace should be used, and effective anti-virus software and VPN services to ensure that the security of online business is robust enough to against these attacks. Despite these statistics shocking violation, the report found that '42% of large enterprises do not provide a continuous security awareness training for their staff. Unless more workers are made aware of these threats and how to defend them, we can expect those numbers to be even worse next year.
A virtual private network is one measure individuals and businesses can take to protect themselves against cyber attacks. A VPN protects information of outside monitoring users, by encrypting all information therethrough when accessing the internet.
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