Want to learn more about VPN? Ask our support asses!

1:32:00 PM
Want to learn more about VPN? Ask our support asses! -

We at HMA! Pro VPN recruited several support staff in Belgrade, Serbia to provide you, our loyal customers with the best Hide My Ass! support possible customer.

We would like to introduce more supportive donkeys who have recently joined us. One of the new members to join us here to Hide My Ass! is Marija, who joined us in April earlier this year


"I like working with people. - And it's never boring here because we all have very different personalities (all fun though!), And have something interesting to say and share. My working day is usually very dynamic.

Before this work I am most of the time studying, traveling and trying to learn as many languages ​​as possible. My area of ​​expertise is the language of Molière - I spent four years studying French literature - from its beginnings to modern times. Needless to say - fun times

I also came to learn Swedish meanwhile !. I spent two very cold winters in Stockholm, Sweden and is still one of my favorite places on Earth.

My interests include fashion, design in general, history, pop culture, music, and dogs. I most beautiful Rottweiler (Rino) in the world and you might catch me looking at pictures of cute and funny dogs during my free time. "

Have a question for Marija? Do not hesitate to ask commenting here on our blog!

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