Playing World of Warcraft (WoW) With a VPN

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Playing World of Warcraft (WoW) With a VPN -

World Of Warcraft On November 30, 04, Blizzard Entertainment launched one of their most famous games, World of Warcraft (WoW). This, by subscription of teen-rated game economy is a massively multiplayer online role-Playing Game (MMORPG), and monitoring one of their other games, warcraft 3.What means you have the opportunity to play with people from around the world. WoW has been a pioneer in the MMORPG industry for so long that it is impossible to avoid references to other games. Over the years, there have been many attempts to "kill WoW," but these games have failed to meet expectations. There were a few factors that led the game at the popularity he enjoyed, including other failures of major games and good timing. The impact of WoW is so great that there is a film that tells part of the story. At one point, WoW boasted 13 million subscribers. Since then, the game has gone through ebb and flow, depending on what the packs and / or new content added Blizzard gaming expansion. If you are in an unsupported area and want access to a North American (NA) server (called a realm), or you want to protect your account against hacking or a possible denial of service (DDoS) you could make sure everything is secure by using a VPN.

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WoW is divided into two factions, the Horde and the Alliance. Both factions inhabit a kingdom called Azeroth.The maximum level of this game is 100, and all races can speak their language and more specific a faction language. Horde races are Orc Troll Tauren Undead Blood Elf Goblin and Pandaren race. The Alliance is Human Night El f Gnome Dwarf Draenei Worgen and Pandaren . You may notice that we mentioned twice Pandaren. That is because they can choose either faction. By choosing a Pandaren, you do not immediately decide what to choose faction. Unless you're like a guy who decided to go all the way to 100 without picking a faction or leave the starting area, you usually choose a level between 10 and 15.

Before you can create a character, you must choose a server. As we mentioned earlier, if you want to connect to an NA area outside the areas supported, you want to use a VPN. Here is a list of the types of available servers, and a little about them

  • PVE / normal -. EVP stands for Player Vs Environment. This kind of kingdom is a regular kingdom and is designed for all you want to do. You are not allowed to be attacked by other players unless you choose to enable PVP option. You are also allowed to create characters of both factions on these types of areas
  • RP -. RP stands role play. You can do all the things you can on a regular kingdom, but these servers have strict naming guidelines and generally have an older population area. Normally you can expect to see people role play in the vast online world. You are not allowed to be attacked by other players unless you choose to enable PVP option, and are allowed to create characters of both factions on these types of areas
  • PVP - PVP stands for Player Vs Player. Like other types of servers, you can do whatever you regularly want to be able to do so, but there is a twist. Once you reach level 10, you may be attacked by other players automatically and can not be changed. You are not allowed to create characters more than one faction on these types of kingdoms
  • PVPRP -. As one might expect, this type of field is a combination of PVP and RP realms. As the field of regular PVP, once you reach level 10, you may be attacked by other players automatically and can not be changed. Furthermore, they are not allowed to create characters more than one faction on these types of servers.

After choosing the type of server you want, you can choose one of the 13 races of the character creation screen and choose a job (called a class). Each class has its strengths and weaknesses, and your style of play will determine which of pick.Though you can not change it as you can in some games, WoW will allow you to create up to 11 characters on a server, and a total of 50 characters on all servers. With so many options, you can try them all. Let's look at the available classes and their roles. Please note that RDPS medium ranged and melee MDPS means

  • Warrior -. Tank Damage Melee Dealer (MDPS)
  • Paladin - tank , MDPS, Healer
  • Hunter - ranged damage dealer (RDPS)
  • Rogue - MDPS
  • Priest - RDPS, Healer
  • death Knight - tank MDPS
  • Shaman - RDPS, MDPS, Healer
  • Mage - RDPS
  • Warlock - RDPS
  • Monk - tank MDPS, Healer
  • Druid - tank , PDR, MDPS, Healer

Since the death knight is considered a "hero" class DKs are only unlocked once you reach level 55 on another character. In addition, some classes can not be performed by specific races, so if you want a job, be prepared to choose a corresponding race. Some jobs may be selected by many races, but the only one that can be chosen by all 13 races is the warrior class.

Now that you have chosen a kingdom faction, race and class, it's time to enter the game. Each race has a starting cutscene that takes you to the starting area of ​​the race. 1-10 levels, you start to level by doing quests. Quests are generally easy in the start area, and may include killing animals, monsters, humanoids or collection items. All creatures of the environment, you can attack are called mobs. The quests you teach your class abilities and you teach lore play. Once you reach level 10 PVP battlegrounds will be available for you.

Battlegrounds are specific arenas (instances) that only allow in people who want to PVP. Both factions are pitted against each other, and these cases have goals. Here is a list of battlefields in the game, the number of licensed players and levels you can enter. All dungeons and battlefields of the players group together, usually by level. The range of levels in a battlefield before the maximum level is five. In other words, if you are level 10, you can expect to see such top players as the level 14. This pattern continues until you reach the max. At max level, you play against other max level characters. Kill in the battlefield is not necessary as long as you work toward the goals of the game. Typically, the winning team is the team that goes after the goal, instead of trying to kill the enemy.

Dungeons (also known as cases) are a good way to get weapons, armor, and even experience. Unlike quests, gear found in dungeons is of better quality than you normally find. Because of group settings, experience (XP) generally built more quickly, because the crowds are designed to fight in groups. Dungeons can be run starting at 10, and continue until the max. There are varying degrees of hardness in these dungeons, and some have Harders versions. Each dungeon usually has 2-4 stage patterns, and can be completed in a reasonable time. In the past, other games used the same dungeon patterns, but changed the monsters in the dungeons. This is not the case in WoW. Each dungeon has its own feeling, although sometimes the design staff bring boss tie ins to keep.

Quests have always been a big part of WoW. They are a way to make money, gain experience, gain speed, and even tell the story of Azeroth. Often the quests will make references to pop culture, literature, and sometimes other video games (called Easter eggs). One of my favorite examples of a reference video game occurred after I accepted a quest. Across the screen flashed a warning that said "Prepare to joust, buzzard bait". I remember laughing out loud because it's a reference to a video game of the 80 popular calling Joust . The quest was essentially a 3D version of the game, including some of the original shades.

There are over 6,000 quests in the game, starting at 1 and continues through the max. Some quests will make you laugh, others may make you sad. One particular quest, is located in the Tauren starting area called Mulgore. A non-Playing Character (NPC) named Ahab Wheathoof provides a quest to feed their dog, Kyle. What makes this interesting is that the quest NPC voice has a different voice than any other game character. This is the voice of a child, instead of an actor. It belonged to a WoW player of 10 years named Ezra Chatterton, who had a rare type of cancer. As part of the make-a-wish foundation, it has got to be a game designer. The quest was designed by him, and his voice was recorded for this reason. Blizzard has other Easter eggs in the game that relate specifically to him.

Raids merely high level which generally involve 10-25 players. This is the best equipment can be found. When WoW opened, raids 40 people required. Due to organizational nightmares of this scenario, this number was reduced to the first issue I mentioned.

Azeroth is large enough now, and the factions have their own land, but sometimes they will meet in the game, especially on a PVP server. The races in the game usually have their own cities. In these cities, NPCs will generally be of the race that the city is dedicated to. That said, as long as you are in the same faction, you can travel to one of them and use their facilities safely. Major cities of the Alliance are:

  • Stormwind - Home of humans
  • Ironforge - Home Dwarves and Gnomes
  • Darnassus - Home of the night elves and Worgen
  • Exodar - Home draenei

big cities of the Horde are:

  • Orgrimmar - Home of the Orcs and Trolls
  • Undercity - Home of undead
  • Thunder Bluff - Home Tauren
  • silver - Home of the blood elves

All cities have rules, and there are few cities in the sanctuary that the two factions can share.

professions are divided into two groups: primary and secondary. These are skills that need to be leveled, and have their own advantages. Only 2 primary professions are available at any given time, and learn a new one, you must unlearn. The primary occupations are broken down into crafts or gathering skills. These are:

  • Alchemy - Crafting skills
  • Smith - Crafting skills
  • Register - Crafting skills
  • Jewellery - Crafting skills
  • Mining - Gather skills
  • Tailoring - Crafting skills
  • Engineering - Crafting skills
  • herbalism - Gather skills
  • Enchanting - skills Crafting
  • leather - Crafting skills
  • Skinning - Gather skills

in addition to these primary skills everyone can the upper level secondary skills without having to choose one. These are fishing, cooking, first aid, and archeology.

Travel between the different lands can be done in several ways. Ground travel is one of the first ways to move between areas. It can be 60-100% of your running character in the game, and as long as the areas are connected, you can reach the mountain from one region to another. You run the risk of being attacked by mobs or opposing faction players, however. Once you reach a certain level, you have the ability to fly in most regions. Flying can be up to 310% faster than travel on the ground, and you can travel in straight lines. There are not the concern of attacks crowd, and if a player opposing faction attacks you, flying is the best option. Azeroth is divided into several continents and you can travel between them by boat. Gryphons are theft system that can be used from the first level of the game. It is like a taxi to another domain, provided that you have been there before. It is usually a small fee involved with this kind of flight, and you have no control over the path or speed of the griffin. The last method of travel is via the portal. Mages have the ability to make portals for themselves and other players. Portals to different zones may be located in large cities. If you're high enough level, you can configure your home to one of these cities and have the ability to get to almost all areas in Azeroth that you want.

Guilds are common in almost every game, and WoW is no exception. There guilds devoted to different purposes, including raids, PVP, and social play styles. Lasting friendships can also be formed, if you choose the right guild. Due to the length of the time the game was played, there are people who can know online for over a decade but never met each other face to face. This could be said of other games as well.

This covers many aspects of this MMORPG well seasoned. I could go further, but there have been many books, strategy guides, and websites devoted to World of Warcraft. With all that being said, there are very good reasons to use a VPN while playing WoW, and it's easier than you think.

The first reason is for security purposes. With a popular game these days, hacking can be a big problem. Because of the age of the game, many people have left and returned later to discover that gold or valuables they had been sold. Recognizing this problem, Blizzard enlisted an authentication method to two factors in the form of a password token. Although it helped, those who take advantage of the technology were in danger of being hacked and stolen. There were several methods used for the flight. The first method consisted of regular hacking and using a VPN, you add an extra layer of protection to your game, because your connection is encrypted.

Sometimes the emails will be sent to the email address of the user on the disc, saying there was a problem and needed to connect to a Web site by clicking a link to solve the problem. Unsuspecting users could possibly get their information stolen in this way. This is called phishing and the only way to protect against this kind of attack is to be vigilant.

The second reason to use a VPN refers to something I mentioned earlier, access to wow everywhere. If you are not in a country that supports WoW, you use a VPN to connect to a country that does. If you play on the US realms, it makes sense to use a VPN server located there. This brings us to a third possible reason to use a VPN.

Wherever you are, there is a chance that your table may be higher than normal due to indirectly connect your moves. There have been instances get a faster connection speed using a VPN without because the connection signal moves more directly.

How to use a VPN to play WoW

I will use IPVanish for the example of how to use a VPN service to play World of Warcraft line. First, you'll want to download the VPN client. IPVanish offers free client software for Windows, Mac and Linux. In addition to free apps for iOS and Android.

Now that you have had the chance to download and install the software, it is time to connect. Start the client IPVanish and select a server location. We will guide you step by step with their Windows client.

  • Select a server location. We chose Atlanta IPVanish but has a large network of servers around the world.
  • We recommend that you select OpenVPN (TCP) or (UDP). For streaming videos on sites like YouTube, we use OpenVPN (UDP). They also support PPTP and L2TP. We always recommend OpenVPN for the best protection of privacy.
  • Click Connect. After a few seconds you'll see the button to change from top to "Disconnect" and show green. You will also notice the server location and IP address appear at the top of the client.
  • We located in the United States in so far as anyone can tell online. As such, we can reach a site as if sitting in Atlanta. The same would be true if we connected to a server in the UK or elsewhere.

That's all there is to it. Now that you have an IP address from the server IPVanish the US, you can browse the Internet and play games online as if you were there. The same is true of any country. Connect to a server in the UK to watch BBC iPlayer or another country to watch Netflix content in this region.

As you can now tell a good VPN provides access to content worldwide. If you live outside the US, the service can help you to access popular services like Netflix, Hulu and Pandora. You still need an account for services like Netflix, but the VPN will help you to watch programs and American television movies on Netflix as if you were sitting in the United States or in any other area you want to access.

Enjoy all the excitement you play World of Warcraft online. Please share this message with your friends so they can enjoy games from all over the world with a VPN. Follow us @VPNFan for the latest offers and guides.

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