Yahoo starts a lawsuit against the US government for the right to disclose detailed application reports data

9:03:00 PM
Yahoo starts a lawsuit against the US government for the right to disclose detailed application reports data -

Yahoo started the legal process against the government US required for the authorization to disclose details of applications for their users personal data security of national agencies.

The trial follows the publication of the first report of transparency of Yahoo, which revealed the total number of government requests for data worldwide. In current US law prohibits them to provide an exact breakdown of these figures, which powers Yahoo claims to "mistrust and suspicion" about the inner workings of government -. Definitely something he could do without for now

Google and Microsoft have both recently released their own transparency reports, thanks to increasing pressure from privacy groups asking big name technology companies to shed light on their links with organizations of law enforcement. The two technology giants are also both a lawsuit seeking against the US government for the right to release more explicit data on applications for surveillance, as we have already mentioned here.

Counsel for Yahoo Ron Bell said, 'we are not allowed to present out the number of requests, if any, we receive for user data under the laws specific national security. The US government prohibits companies from disclosing such information. We believe that the major responsibility of the US government to protect public safety can be carried out without excluding Internet companies to share the number of national security requests they can receive. "

legal action against the US government is certainly nothing new for Yahoo: the company has already taken the government to court for permission to publish documents showing that Yahoo is opposed to the monitoring program Prism early. They won this time, but the US government still hopes to clear all this will blow over, they could be so lucky a second time.

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