Arizona State against free Internet

7:26:00 PM
Arizona State against free Internet -

The State of Arizona may join the company of such states as China and Syria with the high level of confidence, if the governor state decides to sign the law, which was recently passed by the state Senate. According to officials in Arizona, the main purpose of the 2549 law is to fight against bullying and harassment. It will now be considered an offense to use digital cameras to intimidate, humiliate, harass, annoy or offend anyone.

The law is not limited to the communication of two people, but will be used for the space of the Internet as a whole. Thus all the content in the Internet that can be considered offensive or intimidating to the State of Arizona will now illegal. Although the law was passed with good intentions, many critics call it "too vague". Using terms like "annoy" and "offend" in the law, it can now justify censorship of almost all the internet forums and thus give the state government a blank card on any type of Internet censorship.
this means that if you comment on a web article with a bit harsh words, it can now be considered a criminal offense in Arizona. Similarly, if a blogger publishes simple advice to comments, it can also be considered "annoying" or "offensive", making a potentially responsible blogger criminal charges. Another example that can show the absurd level of such a law is an example with football fans. They always leave offensive comments to those of another team, which is a part of football-fan game. In addition, the majority of the films can also be censored, and all other digital data.
This law is another instance when a state government is trying to get involved in the day- to day life of its citizens. But there are still many people who are not so concerned about the new censorship law because they use VPN services that help to bypass Internet filters and censorship.

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