Privacy five predictions for 2014

11:05:00 AM
Privacy five predictions for 2014 -

The day of the new year, it is tradition to make some predictions that can be displayed true or false in a year. With nearly a decade of global geopolitical game level in my back, we'll see what we can do with current trends. Often, it is equally interesting to see what will not change as this will likely change

So, here are my five predictions for privacy in 2014 :. Snowden will continue to shock those who understand what it says, oldmedia continue not to care, the average person does not understand what is happening and will continue not to understand, the politicians continue to pretend nothing happened , and laws enabling mass surveillance will not change or go in the wrong direction unless the politicians lose their jobs over it.

1. Snowden continue to shock those who understand the implications of his revelations. When Appelbaum made a presentation to the Chaos Communications Congress just before the start of the year and presented a number of methods of the NSA, including their ability to hijack a Windows XP computer several miles away, and an infection rate of 100 percent of all iPhone they wanted, these are capabilities that we had not known about and did not protect against. With this last observation while Apple iDevice is out the window if you are conscious privacy; not your phone, it is the NSA With the former, the importance of network security at home against remote injected packets -. Not to mention detect when it happens anyway - is really important. How many of us know how to do this? How many of us are security conscious at this level? We better start learning.

2. Oldmedia continue not to care. Glenn Greenwald was spotted painfully when he accused oldmedia (TV, radio, newspapers) to be essentially in bed with mass surveillance equipment today, having fled and abandoned their role administration of watchdogs. Royal baby from the UK got a ton more coverage than the fact that the administration of the United Kingdom was to abolish all shred and appearance of civil law in the UK and even the US. Politicians and senior officials are lying to protect their interests - it should not be any kind of surprise to anyone who has studied more than five minutes of political history - but oldmedia ceased to question their word, taking the truth. "Oh, are you sure you are not violating anyone, despite these documents? Well then, thank you for your time."

3. The average person does not including what happens When I explained the imminent FRA law for people on the streets of Stockholm, Sweden, they shook their heads and accused me of lying to their faces. - Despite the fact that I was reading the text directly in the bill. They would not accept that Sweden was about to introduce no general wiretap warrant in bulk; just could not happen in their country. This was one of the most frustrating moments in my time as an activist; it was not that people were't aware of what was happening in their country, it is they were actively choose to disbelieve This almost continuous :. if you were to say to the average person on the street that the US governments, the UK, and their national government listened all - all - phone calls, they would probably not believe you

4. politicians will continue to pretend nothing happened. As late as today, the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Sweden, Carl Bildt, published an editorial calling what fine moral example is Sweden to the world with privacy, net freedom and civil liberties. This is despite the fact that the Swedish FRA Act mentioned is one of the worst in the world. It is blatant propaganda and lies, and politicians (as Carl Bildt) get with it, far (see prediction # 2). The propaganda is so far from reality that it qualifies for "What's the weather like on your planet?" - Enter comments. It is up to us to call them lies, and bring this kind of national propaganda in English so that more people can call the cards.

5. The laws allow mass surveillance will not disappear unless someone loses his office above. The first problem in the mind of every politician is how to get elected. The second problem in the mind of every politician is how re elected. Whatever the problem comes third is so far behind the first two it is not really reflected in the routine day to day. This means that no one should expect career politicians to care about it in the least, unless - and this is an important warning - politicians risk losing their jobs during the monitoring mass. Unless this happens, it will continue as if nothing had happened

Let's take it again, because it is important :. unless someone may lose their office, the policy will not change . That is why it is so important to threaten the jobs of politicians on the really important issues, because it works in reverse too :. The moment a politician to lose their office on a policy, it tends to change on a dime

In conclusion, things go wrong, and we must remain vigilant. There is a European Parliament elections coming up in a few months, and I want to encourage everyone in Europe to vote not only for good candidates on these issues in the largest economy in the world, but also to make it clear as you do, if you choose to go this route. This is the only way open to change.

Privacy remains your own responsibility.

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