When everything you say can be used against you, Do you really have freedom of speech?

11:54:00 AM
When everything you say can be used against you, Do you really have freedom of speech? -

What you say in clear today can and will return to chase you in twenty years by a different government with different values. Once you realize this, you really still have freedom of speech?

The US police, when they stop someone, is supposed to read someone their rights in a formed sentence that includes the phrase "anything you say can and will be used against you. "This phrase has gained knowledge worldwide through dissemination of Hollywood culture, so I'll be using it for the sake of argument

the book and the 1984 film were seminal in that they portrayed -. Or tried to portray. - the effects of being under constant surveillance, where everything you said in your daily life could and would be used against you Qu'est- what happens when you can be watched at any time, maybe you are, maybe you are not, and there is no way to tell.

The telescreen . received and transmitted simultaneously All her that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it; Moreover, while it remains in the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way to know if you were monitored at one time. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on an individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But in any case, they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted. You have to live - did live, from habit that became instinct -. Assuming that everything you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized

However, Orwell made an important support of his time: only people watching other people, and if they do not catch something happens when he arrived, that the action has never been observed. This means that a person watching a person (or a few at most). Today, the monitoring is performed by machines able to watch thousands or even millions of conversations at once. In addition, the shares may not be observed retrospectively Orwell did not have a time machine where you could go back someone's life and see everything they have said during the past year, you were so inclined.

Well, we have now.

first of all, everything is bugged all the time. Even encrypted communications, but even if they can not be deciphered, they are still exploited.

It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time.

It's kind of depressing how not new it is. It started with the Echelon program in 1970 (!!) and has been refined since. Today, we should expect an automatic transcription of wiretap all telephone calls from being a reality for all major languages, with certain keywords pointing to the conversation if and when they are pronounced. But more importantly, we should expect all wiretaps to be stored indefinitely

This is a significant deviation from the Orwellian plot line -. And a significant aggravation of it, even Orwell could provide. This means that if you raise a red flag for twenty years down the line, the monitoring agencies have the opportunity to go back and look at everything you have done retrospectively between now and then, even if it does not attract attention at the time.

For can you predict realistically how values ​​change five years in the future? Ten? Twenty?

If anyone has considered your private conversations of it twenty years ago, is it likely that they contained values ​​(reflection of society so contemporary) that could be used against you today ? Yes; yes, of course it probable, if not absolutely certain. Similarly, if someone twenty years from now review the conversations you are having right now, is it likely that you express thoughts and values ​​that seem repugnant twenty years on from today, which will be used against you?

When authorities on mere ability to hold you accountable for what you say private today, out of context and seen from a completely different set of values at any time in the future, do you really have the freedom of expression?

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