Twitter censorship Drone Assassinations: Should a "Mere Conduit" Stronger Accountability

1:32:00 PM
Twitter censorship Drone Assassinations: Should a "Mere Conduit" Stronger Accountability -
[1945007?] He was too conspiratorial to be true - showing links stories about the US assassination drone program did not show on Twitter if you access Twitter from addresses in the United States IP, but were showing the rest of the world. Yet the evidence was irrefutable, and when presented with it, Twitter has presented his sheepish apology. This raises all kinds of questions about Mere Conduit / common carrier -. And strong concerns about its application

Vice mother reported an obscure PDF who said that the tweets related to the assassination program run by the United States known as "buzzing" were not visible Twitter feeds on if, and only if, these flows have been consulted from the United States. This caused immediate alarm Twitter has already agreed to hide embarrassing information to dictatorships for people within these dictatorships - deliberately fragmenting the Internet, and information available through national borders. But hiding government assassination programs of the United States from the United States itself was something new entirely. In fact, hide anything people in the United States was something new entirely.

The behavior was confirmed by Jake Appelbaum, a journalist and researcher close to Wikileaks, Edward Snowden, The Intercept, and other civil liberties groups when a seemingly innocent question of its Chromebook was in fact his party calendar when watched US, as observed by @brennanovak. It was about a bomb.

Returning to vice, Twitter officials said that there was an "inconsistency", and said that the situation would soon be "corrected". This non-explanation for something as serious, is simply not good enough. "Inconsistency" is just a hair of "anomaly", a word that - while technically describe any situation that differs from the specification - came to mean a catastrophic failure beyond other words. "The confinement of the Chernobyl reactor an anomaly." "The oxygen noise Apollo 13 was an anomaly." "The Twitter feed of US assassinations embarrassing inconsistent."

There is also the "duck factor", of course. The test of the classic smell. Is seems as an innocent mistake that really embarrassing for information US government leaks in the US extrajudicial killings - specifically how they kill the wrong person nine times out of ten - becomes invisible in the United States of all places Not one of the 195 other possible countries, but? a country whose administration is legitimately bothered by it? "If it walks like a duck," and so on.

At the same time, it is important to be very careful to throw the word "censorship" around. it has a very precise meaning. specifically, he not means that a service refuse, neglect, or malfunction to send your information as announced, to any reason. that means government is to prevent two consenting parties to provide a specific set of information or prevent a party to disseminate blindly. Twitter, therefore, can not do the censorship by definition. They can, however, refuse to publish things on their own servers - which can have the same net effect, but it is not censorship. Just like your deleting rude to your blog is not censorship but exercising your powers of publication (that is your platform after all), Twitter does not release a tweet in a certain place is not censorship.

But it is still disturbing, under any name. And as shown in the duck factor, we may well have been dealing with the actual censorship in this case and the lack of Twitter was to be caught doing.

Enter an American concept known as "common carrier". The European equivalent to a little more understandable name "Mere Conduit" or simply, "just a dumb pipe." It is a legal concept where you take the responsibility to pass anything and everything without selection or alteration, and in response, you get the complete legal immunity for anything so transmitted. Until recently, it only applied to telecommunications companies; it now also applies to Internet service providers. Seeing how the responsibility of third ISP was an alternative shortcut to take embarrassing offline services - something The Pirate Bay to outright journalism - it may be worth looking into Mere Conduit greater reach in the future, and also allowing mail-demand services layer to declare ducts simple - or just as important, to declare not ducts simple

such an approach would also considerable historical precedent, see how transportation. newspaper was attacked in preference to attack the newspapers themselves. The only thing that has changed is the method of execution embarrassing information; otherwise, most powerplays old are new again

But it is also a component that is not here today -. and its responsible care services when they break their commitment to pass without any selection or modification. It should not take individual users to find out, with no less responsibility than "something went wrong and we refuse to disclose further details," as was the case with Twitter here.

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