As horrible as the Internet monitoring is, the alternative would have been much worse

4:11:00 PM
As horrible as the Internet monitoring is, the alternative would have been much worse -

While the Internet has become a global monitoring machine, with only the tech-aware and conscious people opt out privacy monitoring, it is important to remember that we could have something much worse. In the 190s, telephone companies have been aggressively pushing for their own version of a switched packet network - and if they had won over the simplicity of the Internet, we would not even have the ability to turn on private life today


as cryptography mat is being rolled out as a concept, some technology elderly speak in terms of "× unf cking the Internet", lamenting how which the Internet has become a global monitoring network has never considered the pioneers of research.

It is important to remember that, as the Internet is monitored, the telecommunications industry has always been happy with glee as provide all kinds of governments with all kinds of surveillance. Internet companies and technology are diametrically opposed to the telecommunications industry here. In the body of SS7, which produces communication standards for the telecommunications industry, there is even a working group for "Lawful Interception" no matter what is communicated, the lawful interception group ensures that the application of the law should always have access. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has nothing of the kind.

Fortunately, the Internet offers surpassed "the telecom giants in the 190s because the Internet is stupid. There is absolutely nothing built. No privacy, no security, no identity. In particular, any "lawful interception". All he knows is how to get a packet from point A to point B in the most efficient manner, and it does it extremely well. In this totally amazed SS7 network complex of the telecommunications industry.

Yes, telecommunications giants have Internet on their own, as difficult as it is to imagine today. An entire network of their own. It was called the X.25 standard, and they pushed for it strongly. All households should be connected to a dumb terminal, they could rent giant telecommunications, and wherein said telecommunications industry would act as guards who got access to sell directly to households across the terminal.

it seems absurd.

Except he was not. He was so good at the time, it actually beat the Internet in a single country, France. The system, he was called Minitel, and provided households with Internet facilities provided at the time - the possibility to book tickets, car rental, order pizza, the works. And of course, was no privacy. It was all controlled centrally by a few giants who were happy not just nickel-and-dime you for everything you have done on the network - for which you had to rent a first terminal - but happily shared your habits with the government, and probably sold them for profit too.

There was no opting out surveillance.

There was no VPN, not Tor, PGP not, not https.

There was no way to add privacy and security layers above the network of the telecommunications industry, not if you were to the end user. You were to thank you for what was offered by your telecommunications provider

(Accordingly, France joined the Internet revolution of the end user much later than other countries do not :. have the same requirement for integrated services at home, because this demand was met by the Minitel telco solution. of course, the Internet would quickly exceed that telephone companies could offer, or wanted to offer, and at this stage the french households began to abandon Minitel)

If the Internet was not so stupid. - which is something good here - to exclude any security and confidentiality at the initially, we would have probably been stuck with a telecommunications network where everything was centralized, and you have not even the right to install a single application, much less convey something not approved on the network. You would not have the opportunity to add privacy and security layers. As the French example shows, we were, but a hair of having a global Minitel instead of the Internet.

But today we are in a situation where we can solve this problem. As end users, and as service providers.

Privacy remains your own responsibility.

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