Apple VS FBI battle is taken to Congress

5:48:00 PM
Apple VS FBI battle is taken to Congress -

in the last battle between privacy and security, the ongoing dispute over the release of the San Bernardino shooters phone finally accelerated a gear and joined the Congress to settle the dispute. As Apple vs FBI battle is taken to the Congress during a five-hour ordeal ended with a victory for Apple somewhat and privacy. Lawmakers in Congress, which in the past was very FBI-friendly when it comes to cases where this magnitude, but as a welcome shock to most, he sided with Apple to stand firm decision not to allow the FBI to access backdoor to the iPhone in question.

If the decision had gone the other way, then a dangerous precedent would be set, something that would have continued to weaken privacy not only for criminals, but everyone. This would have meant that not only the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have the authority to access a device via a "back door" entry, but tradeoffs in online privacy would compromise.

Congress told the FBI that their plans to force Apple to unlock iPhones was a "crazy race" and irresponsible in that it was both privacy too far and undermined. The FBI said in their case against Apple, accusing the California-based company to act as a 'vicious guard dog "in his defense of privacy. FBI Director James Comey continued to claim that Apple standing in their way was not their job to protect people's privacy, but in fact the FBI.

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