Behind the scenes of the company cybercrime

4:35:00 PM
Behind the scenes of the company cybercrime -

A recent study shows that cybercrime has now become quite a business organized with executives, managers and workers who depend on a variety of service providers to keep illegal operations running.

The 2013 report cybercrime Fortinet says arena on such criminal organizations to be competing with each other to find and hire experts in cyber crime or cooperate with each other to buy or rent malware , bootnets and exploit codes ... There are also technical consultants and hosting providers who are willing to close their eyes in exchange for money. The connection of these resources for the construction and operation of botnets can be easily understood. "Everyone can make easy money without having to be a technical expert," said the report This stimulated the monthly volume of malware to a level that is three times what it was five years ago.

Indeed, the structures of these illegal businesses of the organization are similar to those of legitimate businesses. leaders make decisions, oversee operations and are responsible for keeping everything running smoothly.

"once they get the operation on the ground, workers move to a business development role leaving the dirty work to the troops and are not involved with launch attacks, "the report said. the troops, composed of ordinary workers are usually under the supervision of middle managers recruited through underground forums. Managers often work with recruiters to hire people to infect machines using a variety of methods, such as e-mail links, poisoned PDF files, compromised Web sites and social networking links.

different service providers help these criminal enterprises to offer, including password cracking high performance for a few dollars. These services are often used to crack passwords for online services. research and development companies also offer customized software or ransomware fake antivirus, etc ... Such technology can either be purchased or leased.

The hosting providers are also key partners for cybercriminals, who need space to store and exploit malware and stolen data. These providers who do not care much about what they store on their servers can be found in countries such as Russia and China. In these enterprises, small lots of money is usually transferred to avoid laws against money laundering.

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