For companies in the world failing Data Privacy

11:54:00 AM
For companies in the world failing Data Privacy -

in a comprehensive report on data protection, privacy, and censorship on some of the largest technology companies in the world have shown an alarming trend. None of them offered an adequate level of disclosure on their levels of privacy and censorship, resulting in the highest scoring company only 65%. As shown in the report of the top technology companies in the world if the confidentiality of data, it paints a sorry state of data protection worldwide. The report, compiled by think tank New America Foundation, is the most comprehensive analysis of the policies of the user agreement that was conducted.

Companies such as Facebook, Google, Vodafone and several Asian companies of high level, including Tencent and the South China Daum Kakao Korea, were all evaluated in an ongoing project entitled Digital Rights ranking. The results, which come as a shock, show that not a single company had offered basic disclosures of their privacy policies and data use. Even larger companies like Google and Facebook are short of what should be disclosed to their users.

In order to display these results in a quantitative manner that is easy to digest and understand, each company was scored on a percentage. It took into account the privacy, freedom of expression and a real commitment to them. What makes this even more shocking conclusion is that it goes so well in the recent surge in cyber attacks and data breaches. With so many reported attacks, it is not surprising that even the high-tech companies are far in the field. Which shows that small businesses are even more at risk. In the future, this report will not only make it easier for customers and users a better idea to decide who to trust, but it is expected to provide a wake for companies to sort out their priorities for change the best.

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