Anonymous terrorist targets Twitter Accounts

2:08:00 PM
Anonymous terrorist targets Twitter Accounts -

After attack in Paris last week on the Charlie Hebdo offices, which left twelve dead, the group of hacker collective Anonymous target terrorists Twitter accounts. The shooting took place because of cartoons of Mohammed published in the magazine. Anonymous has launched a campaign, called #OpCharlieHebdo to discover and attack terrorist various Twitter accounts. A move which the group has had previous success with, including taking control of the main Twitter account of the Ku Klux Klan. The group issued a statement.

"Anonymous has always fought for freedom of speech, and will never leave this right soiled by obscurantism and mysticism Charlie Hebdo, the satirical journalism historical figure was targeted .

Anonymous should remind every citizen that freedom of the press is fundamental to democracy. Opinions, speeches, articles without threats or pressure newspapers, all these things are rights that you can not change. "

in an act of defiance, Charlie Hebdo ran an issue with a drawing representing Muhammad on the cover of the first issue since the attack. Of course, this caused further outrage, but he also saw many personalities supporting the decision not to back magazine, and especially keep the fight for freedom of expression.

Anonymous will continue the fight to eliminate terrorists from Twitter by calling up anyone who can find suspected terrorists accounts and report to delete.

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