New search Google ranking will change mobile

9:03:00 PM
New search Google ranking will change mobile -

the giant search engine will soon release a change in the way search results are calculated on mobile devices, focusing on sites optimized for mobile-friendly. New search Google will change the mobile rankings so that any site that was not made for mobile devices will fall lower on the search results. This movement will no doubt anger and frustrate many websites and companies that are not optimized their sites for mobile use and tablet.

Search results will change depending on how the sites are displayed on mobile devices. An algorithm change look for sites that resize and are generally easier to view and navigate on small screens. This comes as a welcome change as more and more users are looking at using their mobile devices, as opposed to desktop use. When you try to view a site that has not been seen on a mobile device, it makes the frustrating experience and more likely to turn people away.

This movement will push more companies doing the redesign effort of their websites, if their ranking will drop. While computers still hold the largest market share of web browsing, this trend is slowing down more and more people turn to mobile devices for convenience. Google expects this upward trend and in doing so, they force companies to reconsider how important presentation website and is responsive design should be prominent in the design of a website, in connection with Google, and the rest , views the world.

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