Innovation The opportunity cost of lost privacy Lost

9:40:00 PM
Innovation The opportunity cost of lost privacy Lost -

The cost of lost privacy opportunity is lost innovation and, by extension, a low happiness society lags behind not only in freedom, but in all modern equipment considered. Therefore, privacy is not just a luxury for the individual; it is a collective opportunity because it leads to competitiveness and a strong economy. Lawmakers today are blind to this causality

When we make choices, choices, there is always an advantage that we give up by not choosing the solution that brings -. We try to maximize the utility and happiness, but there is always something missing on. This is usually called opportunity cost - the cost of not making a profit, or the cost of the loss of an advantage. Wikipedia explains the "opportunity cost" as such:

In microeconomic theory, the opportunity cost of choice is the best value alternative where a sacrificed choice must be made between several mutually exclusive alternatives, given limited resources. Assuming that the best choice is made, it is the "cost" incurred by not receiving the benefit that would be due by taking the second best choice available

One can note important assumption of Wikipedia in its definition. - "Assuming that the best choice is made." This is, of course, quite subjective. There is also an opportunity cost for the above, the advantages of the best choice if you are anything as the best possible choice. Generalization, there is always an opportunity cost for each option you not choose.

In this case, the question is what is the cost society of people who lose their privacy with monitoring increasing. There are many observations to countries and companies that have gone this route, which generally shares the characteristic of slowly turning in low happiness Companies

To answer this question -. What are the traits we partner in private life? In other words, people assuming that can not be seen, what kind of people behave differently than generally expected?

Let's ignore for a moment that everyone, really everyone, have a real need, true and legitimate real privacy - like to go to the bathroom - and focus on the activities that are generally attenuated through monitoring. It is sticky. It is deviation. It is being redflagged. It is upsetting the status quo. Such things are considered ... undesirable.

The people you suppress and punish effectively, reducing privacy are rulebenders and rulebreakers. Square pegs in round holes. Mavericks. The marginalized and the troublemakers. Those who refuse to follow the example of someone else, but insists their way is better. Given the chance, legislators would be happy to make life a hell for people who do not fall in line.

But these are the people we call collectively entrepreneurs. They are deleted and overwritten when the company decides they can no longer do things their way. When Stomp Out privacy, you Stomp Out innovation with it.

Although causality has not been conclusively studied, it is easy to see how this could lead to economic catastrophe observed long-term in the top -surveillance companies that we have had in history, places that seemed to freeze in time when they trampled on privacy and other freedoms. Innovation just stopped, arrested, and died. You would see 40 cars on the streets (or design by committee disasters like the Trabant car) and a lack of anything considered as more modern facilities lucky societies around them continued to innovate, improve, and - above all - breaking the rules

It has been speculated that this was the real reason for the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the cold war communism: the lack of economic innovation, total and absolute failure of Eastern Europe. the Soviet Union in the competition. This inability to compete, in turn, came from his brutal and effective repression of anyone who has bent the rules - people we call entrepreneurs. Accordingly predictable, Eastern Europe has not been more innovative.

This is the opportunity cost, we all face our legislators are crusading against privacy and other freedoms today.

During this time, and therefore, privacy remains your own responsibility.

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