More on the selective application

9:16:00 PM
More on the selective application -

In my last post, I developed a bit selective enforcement and the consequences thereof. What happens when the police began targeting individuals rather than annoying annoying crime?

Everyone is guilty. It's about as simple as that. The culprit of everyone something , for jaywalking or speeding and more. There is no such thing as a law-abiding citizen. . Not least, as I wrote in my last post, because the unwritten rules often contradict the rule of law

"Show me the man I'll show you the crime . "- Lavrenti Beria, head of the secret police under Stalin

This will illustrate once again that the so-common attitude" I have nothing to hide "will save people from nothing. it is just self-deception, really. If someone in law enforcement decides to get a particular individual, they will be have a justification to imprison this person, with all the data collected today. There are models if you look for them

"Give me six lines written by the most honest man, you know, and I'll find something in them to hang. "-. Cardinal Richelieu

I would like to mention a very classic example of selective enforcement and how it is exactly not what police should do from a story that I think we've all heard.

Al Capone.

M .. Capone is known as the person more or less running the underground scene in Chicago gangster in the 1930s Most of us have heard the story of how he came out absolutely clean for each crime he was accused of, "so the police arrested him for tax evasion instead."

See what happened?

We are taught in the story that the police smart to find something else in prison Capone. But it is not moral at all. What happened is that this individual was acquitted of crimes, but the police were so determined to put behind bars, they have finally found a charge that has stuck.

This happened there almost 100 years, in a very analogue environment. It is a classic example of selective enforcement , and it's not the police being smart at all. It is the police cut corners and do not treat people as equal before the law. If you still think it was just or justifiable, think the same thing is happening to you:

"Yes, sir, you have been acquitted of the charge, however, you are not free to. go; you have to stay in this prison while we locate another charge to pin on you that has a greater chance of sticking do not worry, sir, it will not be long until we formally charge ". .

Does it still sound like the police to be intelligent? This is the situation that is activated by mass surveillance.

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