Join EFF against updating Rule 41, which allows federal judges you hack unconstitutionally

6:00:00 PM
Join EFF against updating Rule 41, which allows federal judges you hack unconstitutionally -

A proposed amendment to Article 41 of the United States federal Rules of criminal procedure clearly unconstitutional could grant rights to US judges. The proposed new powers would allow US federal judges to grant access to search distance of a target computer where "the district where the media or information was concealed by technological means." That is to say, if Article 41 isn 't shot in Congress, law enforcement will be able to find American judges who are more than willing to issue warrants for any computer whose IP address is hidden Tor or a VPN service. The update rule 41 is so ambiguous that law enforcement could use the rule to go after those of us who deny the location data of some smartphone applications. If that was not enough by itself, the second part of the update section 41 allows law enforcement to use malware on an infected computer botnet in order to find the botnet operator. Instead, what is likely to be found is a lot of private information that we can not trust the government to remove. We must do all we can to avoid such a dystopian, Orwellian future.

Join the EFF against Rule 41

To fight against this flagrant exceed the power of the government, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has organized a day of action today June 21 , 2016 to press for a public debate on the proposed changes to hacking capabilities of law enforcement. As a supporter of special maintenance work of the EFF, private Internet access means strong with the EFF in this day of action. Make no mistake, potential new powers of the US government allows it to easily obtain a warrant to violate a suspect computer worldwide.

The proposed amendment was adopted by the Supreme Court and will go into effect in December unless the United States Congress is against it. To help, the US residents should send an email to your congressional representative via this form provided by the EFF. Non-US residents can still get the word out on the Internet because that overuse of power has far-reaching, international consequences. Laws of this kind can only be made by unelected officials, precisely because they can not be held liable for the citizens they supposedly serve. Join EFF to hit the update proposal Article 41 -. It is an affront to our privacy

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