Watch Out for Gluttony data in Governmental Population Registries

6:25:00 PM
Watch Out for Gluttony data in Governmental Population Registries -

While NSA is collecting large amounts of data on everyone, we need to learn from history that the population registers, even basic were used to systemic discrimination and genocide. This includes the most basic data such as sex and religion, and there are reasons to be wary of government gluttony data even at the basic level.

Most governments of the nation-state to keep some sort of record of their citizens, residents or the general population. There is no reason for this registry to contain something more than the name, address, and perhaps a unique identifier. Yet most governments are happily tons of other data -. Who will be without exception , be used against the person registered as

Take something as simple as sex. Most if not all registers of the population have a field for that, accepting one of two values: "Male" or "Female". Let bigotry of that aside for a moment (how it excludes transgender people and non-binary), and just observe how it was used.

It has been used for discrimination. It was the same purpose.

Before most of the laws were made on gender neutral, you legally allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex, and only those marked "male" in the register of the population were allowed to some jobs - in the army, for example. The very purpose of a "legal gender" was discrimination, and it is still used in this way in many countries that have not modernized their laws.

For more horrible, let's look at the register of the population of the United States. He "race" - as if there were such a thing from Homo Sapiens - as part of its population registry. The original purpose of this recording was the same as for sex; to discriminate on the basis of the color of the skin of a person. (For an interesting experience in this regard, see what happens when students are subject to discrimination eye ​​ color instead.)

Whenever a Government collects more data on a person name and address, the data will be be used against that person.

other registers contain religious people as part of their population register, and this, too, is used for discrimination - or worse, much worse . The most horrific example was the Netherlands, where this data collection was considered completely benign - it was used for the planning of the city, to ensure that citizens Protestant / Catholic / Jewish had convenient access and proportionate to the places of worship. The aim of this data collection could not get milder.

Then World War II happened. The invasive administration found the population handy folders, and therefore, there was almost no Jews all in the Netherlands after the Second World War. The registers of the population had not only been used to discriminate, but to outright genocide.

What we learn from this is that even the most benign data will be horribly abused. Studies of genocide resistant identification cards (yes, that's a real thing) has barely begun.

Please note that this article does not even begin to touch the gluttony of data the NSA and their global associates. This only deals with genocide and systemic discrimination based on the most basic of population registers.

The only thing that the government needs to know your name and address, so they have a way to contact you. They can have assigned a unique identifier for their own convenience (which, if any, should remain in government use only). Pay close attention to anything else.

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